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A/N: I apologize for interrupting your reading. I am just here to give my sincere apologies for the introductions and descriptions since they are not professional.

I wrote this story before my teenage years, do understand and comprehend with me. I could assure you that this story has a good plot, but the first few chapters have unprofessional but detailed descriptions.

To meet your satisfaction, I have other works posted on my account, feel free to check them out.

Thank you so much for your cooperation, and have fun reading!!!

September 1
Addison's Residence, New York, USA


Beep Beep Beep

My annoying alarm clock kept ringing in my ears. The vibration and noise were so loud that it echoed throughout the whole room.

It didn't stop. I still wanted to get some sleep because I slept past eleven last night. Honestly, my alarm clock needs holy water and help because it's completely hopeless.

I groaned in my sleep then picked up the covers which were on my feet then draped it over my body to avoid the noise.

Unfortunately, my alarm clock and I don't see each other eye to eye.

Beep Beep Beep

I sighed. I rolled to the other side of my bed then smacked my hand on my absurd alarm clock. The sound slowly faded away in the distance. I shot up from my bed in relief then yawned. I stretched both of my arms then took my left hand to rub my eye and the right hand to tame my bushy mane.

My brain is currently racking for an answer why I set up my alarm for six in the morning. All I wanted to do is to smack my clock with a hammer and go back to bed.

I smacked my lips together. Every single morning it's always an obligation of mine to reach out on my side table and pick up my iPhone. The phone scanned my messy and very stupid face then the home screen appeared.

On my bedside tables which were on either side of my bed were lamps and on the right was my rectangular alarm clock which has the nickname, Hell.

In my opinion, using my phone makes me energized. After a few minutes of using my phone, I placed it back down then scanned my room to check if there is something different or unusual.

Everything was similar. Everything was in its rightful location and not a single appliance was plugged in.

As always, there was a flat screen television in the front of my bed. The television was on a white wooden shelf which contained speakers, CD player and my favorite movies like Harry Potter. I also like watching Netflix, luckily, I have an account connected to the television.

My head whipped to the left and the first thing that came into view was the beautiful curtain with the right shade of grey, covering the window. There was also a small bed with a fluffy and furry salmon pink pillow next to the window where I could read an exciting book while enjoying the warm gentle breeze.

There was a heart shaped white wooden bookshelf which contained my favorite books like Harry Potter, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Fantastic Beasts, Life After, The Series of Unfortunate Events, Percy Jackson and many more awesome books that could fill my mind with imagination.

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