A date with Minhyuk

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> first of all you'll get some sweet morning kisses

> "Baby did you sleep well? Let's eat breakfast outside, kaja let's go!"

> He picks your outfit and smiles at you because of the cuteness

> He breaks into the bathroom while you were brushing your teeth "Baby it's sunny outside, hurry up!" and disappers ... How did he get in here i locked the door 0-0

> you have to jump into your shoes because he runs immediately out of the door

> he drags you to the bus stop but in the end you miss the bus by a few seconds so he hugs you and don't let go of you

> his clothing smells like the air surrounding you, like flowers and spring but also warm

> you two dream away hugging each other and living the moment and end up missing another bus

> He orders breakfast and you choose a place to sit but he comes back with two cupcakes

> "We are to late kitten, breakfast is over." Minhyukie smiles at you "Coffe or juice?"

> You crumble all over the place and he naggs at you "You're sooo messy!"... He loves it to make jokes with you

> his place is full of crumbles too

> "Oppa~ let's go to the han river later?" He drags you out of the cafe right away still eating his cupcake

> You two enjoying the sun, his head lays down on your lap and he shines to you brighter than the sun

> suddenly he jumps up "Baby let me buy ice-cream!" and in the next second you sit there alone and confused

> on his way back he takes some pictures of you secretly ( You only know because one of the pics is his phone homescreen)

> the complete afternoon you two are laying in the park and playing some games... he has too much energy but you like it, no, you love his energy. It's catching

> in the end you play 'gawi bawi bo' for dinner... clearly he would pay even if you lose

> You two come back home late at night

> some cuddles in bed befor you sleep away, the day was tiring but...

> "Kitten? The day was soo beautiful!"

He completes you, in all ways

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