Riverdale| Betty Cooper gets ill

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November 7th a beautiful snow filled day that everyone seemed to be enjoying except Betty Cooper. It was midday when Riverdale High was closed due to a water pipe freezing, Archie, Veronica, Jugghed and Betty decide to celebrate and enjoy there early start to the weekend by stopping by at Pop's. Throughout the way there Betty began to feel chills traveling through her body and her nose becoming more blocked by the minute.
"You know what guys? This is the perfect way to start a weekend, surround by the best people I know." Archie beamed as his grin grew
"Well Archikins I couldn't have said it better myself." Veronica chirped as they approached Pop's dinner.

"Ladies first Juliet" Jugghed smirked gesturing for Betty to sit down.
Betty gave out a weak smile and sat then accompanied by Jugghed. Betty let out a few chesty coughs as Jugghed glanced looking concerned.
"Betty are you alright? You haven't spoke a word since school and you look very pale" Jugghead said as Veronica nodded in agreement.
"I'm fine Juggie, let's order shall we?" Betty said trying to act confident but the horsiness of her voice overpowered the confidence.
Veronica and Archie leave to booth to place the orders and to use the restroom.
"Now Betts I know how stubborn you are and I can sense something is wrong so please just tell me, you know I'm here for you." Jugghed said softly wrapping his arm against her cold body.
Betty let out a few sneezes and harsh coughs and stared into Jugghead's dark brown eyes and buried her head into his chest, snuggling into his warmth.
"Betts...please tell me what's wrong are you ill?" Jugghead said while caressing her warm cheeks.
"Jug I'm fine honestly don't worry about me." Betty's soft and weak voice made jugghead's embrace even tighter.
"Babe, just please let me know if you want to talk about anything." Jugghead said looking down at his Juliet kissing her forehead lightly.
Veronica and Archie return with 4 delicious looking milkshakes.
"Woah what's wrong with Betty, she's super pale" Archie said seeming concerned.
"I don't know man I've asked if she's okay and she repeatedly said yes" Jugghead said softly.
Betty let out a sneeze then proceeded to cough as everyone stared at her concerned for her.
Jugghead placed his hand on Betty's forehead to find she was running a fever.
"Betts baby, you have a fever you feel terribly warm I don't think it's best your in public, I should take you home to rest" Jugghead said looking very concerned into her defeated green eyes.
"Jug please I'm fine" Betty said almost as a whisper as her voice slowly began to weaken.
She began shivering and coughing more than earlier.
"B, honestly I think it's best you go home, we all do, there's no denying your sick it's best you rest" Veronica's soothing voice made Betty curl up into Jugghead's hug even more.
Betty began to cough profusely and her nose began to run as she placed her hand on her stomach in pain
"Right Betty were going home now, you can't deny your sick, Betts I care about you more than anything that's why we're going home now okay?" Jugghead said as he rose from his seat and placed his soft hands onto Betty's helping her up.
Betty could barely stand she felt dizzy and drained all the cold weather must have given her the flu as Betty is rarely sick. Jugghead opens the car door and gestures Betty inside helping her sit and kissing her gently on her piping hot forehead.
"Betts...your really burning up, I promise you'll be better soon babe"
Betty's eyes locked to Jugghead's as she gave him a weak smile
"Thank you Jug..." She whimpered
Jugghead smiles back at her then ran to the other side and drove her angel home while she slept peacefully besides him. Jugghead pulled into a local store to pick up a few items for Betty on the way home as he sat back down in the car he pressed his cold lips against her cheek and proceeded to drive.

As Jugghead pulled into Betty's driveway he remembered her parents are visiting some friends at a cabin, so he phoned FP to let him know he won't be coming home and is going to be looking after Betty for the night.

Jugghead quietly opened the car door and carried Betty upstairs and gently placed her on her bed as she began to make small movement. Her puffed eyes flickered open and locked onto Jugghead.
"Jug you don't have to be here you can go I'll be fine" Betty said as her coughs became more frequent and harsh.
"Babe, you think I'm gonna leave you by yourself? No. I'm staying with you until your better so tell me your highness what can I get you?" Jugghead said while kneeling down and stroking Betty's silky hair.
Betty let out a small chuckle and asked for some water.
Jugghead grabbed some water and paracetamols and some blankets to keep her warm. He raced up the stairs and helped Betty sit up and handed her the water.
"Here your highness take the paracetamols and get some rest I'll be here if you need me" Jugghead beamed letting out a small smile while looking down and caressing his girlfriends cheek.
While Jugghead slipped off into the bathroom to get her a wet cloth, Betty changed into her pyjamas and tied her hair up in a bun looking drained and defeated.
"Aww Betts I hate seeing you like this, lie down my angel I'll be right here next to you, if your no better within the next few days we're going to the doctors" Jugghead whispered while covering her in blankets and placing the cloth on her forehead.
"Thank you juggie for everything, I'm the luckiest girl in the world, come sleep you must be exhausted as well" Betty's softy frail voice broke as she began to cough and whimper in pain. Jugghead of course rushed to her side and slipped into the bed as Betty snuggled up into his shoulder. Jugghead placed a small kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair as she feel to sleep.
"I love you Betty Cooper" Jugghead whispered as he watched the love of his life drift to sleep.

"Hey sleepy head, how ya feeling? You've been sleeping for almost 11 hours" Jugghead grinned and let out a small laugh.
"I feel better than yesterday just a headache and blocked nose but I'll cope" Betty chirped looking up at her knight in shinning armor.
"That's great Betts I'm so glad to hear that, anything I can get you?"
"The only thing I want is right here with me and I'm so grateful for that"
Jugghead pulled Betty into a tight embrace as she let out a weak cough. The two drifted back to sleep in each other's loving arms.

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