fried chicken

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Justin's POV

"Dave, you got to give me one more chance..." I persuade my huge caramel colored friend to succumb to my wish.

"No Paper boy, the last time my boys and I cooked for your party, I was cleaning glitter off my eyelids for weeks" he gave me that look. He definitely wasn't going to agree. " And I ain't going through that street again"

Dave breathes hard from all his running around.

"Would you hold this for me please?"

He puts his apron on me and wipes beads of sweat from his face, with a small towel.

Then he starts walking into his office.

"Hey Dave!" I call for him but I hear the little bell, just above the entrance door ring. A customer.

"Mr. Bonnie?"

She's a beauty.

Her hair is like chocolates melting from a golden fountain of youth, pouring down unto chunks of Dairy.

Her beautiful angel eyes search the busy room...

I see her lips part in slow motion and words form from them...

"Excuse me? Hello??" I'm dragged back into reality and I just blink like  a bafoon. How stupid.

I try to say something but words won't come out. I just blink more looking even more stupid.

"You work here, we're Mr. Bonnie?"
Her voice is beautiful. Like a goddess whispering praises to Mother nature.

"In the back?" I some how make this sound like a question. I mentally slap myself for this.

"Oh, okay. I'll have fried chicken then" She orders.

"What?" I blink again, utterly confused.

"I said I'll have-"

"No, no, no I heard you but-" I'm about to tell her I don't work her that Dave just dropped his apron on me but then I reconsider.

"Yes ma'am" I say instead.


Well, it's not the best idea to fake jobs, especially when it's something so off from your profession, but hey, Dave would do me this one solid right? Bros.

"Here's your order ma'am" I serve her the tray of food. And I added an orange juice by the side cause she didn't order any drink.

"Oh, thanks, I forgot to order that. How'd you know?" She smiles at me. I'm no merchant, but i can tell you that's a million dollar smile.

"My treat ma'am, you look like one who'd like a healthy meal. " I say, not really stating the fact that I just asked Dave's workers what she drank on a normal day, since she seems like a regular.

She gives a small laugh. "Well I do like to eat healthy every now and then"

"You're new here. Mr..." She strains her eyes to see my apron and I quickly but stylishly cover up the name tag "Bonnie" with my palm. "Sorry, what's your name, I use glasses so I can't read it"

"It's okay, no problem, I'm Justin" at least I know I don't have to lie about my name. Lies actually don't really interest me cause I'll forget and get caught lest a pretty girl's involved. But I try not to be unnecessarily honest. Now that's plain stupidity and nonsense.

"No formalities?" She asks knowing I'm in a place of work.


"Nope" I pull out a chair in front of her. And watch her eat.

She chuckles, "I'm Sarah" she giggles again "by the way".

"That's a nice name".

She raised a brow. "Really?"

"Yea, that's my mum's maiden name" I shrug plainly.

"Oh" she smiles and forks off a piece from her meal.

"So are you allowed to do this; you're just gonna watch me eat, or are you gonna attend to other customers?"

"There's other staff" I sorta hide behind the chair I'm sitting in (like behind car wheels because I'm sitting in that way)

She laughs. Not a giggle but she laughs.

She's surprisingly done with her fried chicken and stands up to go.

"I'm actually running late for a meeting in the office, so" she brings out her money to pay "here's you pay, and a tip for keeping me such great company" she smiles like she wants to laugh again.

"Bye Justin"

I watch her as she rushes out the double doors.

"Bye Sarah" I whisper to myself.

I forget I'm not an actual staff, so I pack up her dishes to the kitchen and bump into Dave.

"What, in the-" Dave begins but I cut him short.

"Mind if I work here for a bit Dave. A little I'm sorry for dumping a bucket of glitter on you?"

Dave raises a brow and I smile innocently. I'm an angel.

"It's not cause you're sorry, is it?"

"Nope." Hey, it's the truth.

Dave rolls his eyes around the room for a while and then finally,


"Joel, you can have that leave" Dave says, still doubting me.

"Alright!" I hear Joel squeal as he takes his apron off.

I start chanting

"Only cause you can cook" Dave says avoiding me praising him. "And all rules apply!"

"You won't regret this Dave" I say and leave the kitchen.

"I know I will" Dave says.

"Hey, I heard that!"

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