Water Fountain

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I just wanted to quickly say hi. Some of these may be based on heartbreak and heartache because of recent events in my life. Trust me, some are gonna be fucking sad. This one is based off a song called Water Fountain. I'm also aware that he probably meant a drinking fountain but eh. Alright let's get into it.

Deku sat on the edge of a fountain. This fountain wasn't just any damn water fountain, it was the place that Bakugo confessed his love to him. Tears hit the concrete below Deku as he listened to the water gently splash. It was calming to him despite what had happened.

Back in time 2 months ago

Deku walked along the path towards the park. Bakugo had told him to meet him at the Water Fountain and that he had something to tell him. He started running towards the beautiful fountain, paths stretching from each direction. Bakugo was already waiting for Deku with a massive smile on his face.

One thing about Bakugo, he NEVER smiled at school. He covered himself in an angry shell but somehow Deku broke through it in one of his weakest moments and managed to get through to him. They started dating soon after that and Deku had never had a more caring boyfriend even if he was overprotective at times. They started dating a few months prior.

Deku ran into Bakugo's arms smiling as his boyfriend held him tightly.

"I have something to tell you." Bakugo whispered.

"What is it Kachan?" Deku smiled.

Bakugo pulled out of the hug and looked into Deku's eyes. He grabbed Deku's hips and pulled him in, kissing his lips gently and lovingly. The water of the fountain splashed almost silently as the two boys kissed. A few moments later their lips were apart and they were staring directly into each others eyes.

"I love you." Bakugo confessed whispering into Deku's ear.

"I love you too Kachan." Deku smiled.

Time Skip Back To Present

Deku's eyes watered at the memory as he stared at his hands. No one was around which was lucky otherwise people would be mean about it. Someone else was walking along the path and through the tears red and white appeared in Deku's vision. The figure looked familiar but right now he seriously didn't want to talk. He turned his glance back down to the floor, sobbing into his hands.

"MIDORIA!" A voice yelled. Deku instantly recognised the voice as Todoroki but again he didn't want to speak.

"Leave me alone Todo..." Deku muttered his hands still holding his wet face.

"What happened?" Todo asked slowing his pace as he walked towards him. "Seriously Midoria, tell me what happened."

Todoroki sat next to his green haired friend. He wasn't one to hug but he could see that Midoria was hurt so he reached out with his hand. To his surprise Deku leaned into his arms snuggling into his chest. Soft sobs were heard and he held Midoria tighter. Once they softened down he started speaking.

"Bakugo broke up with me this afternoon. It's been an eight month relationship. It hurts Todo, it hurts..." Deku cried. "It doesn't make sense either. A week ago we were fine but then he started drifting away and I didn't know what to do and it hurts!" He hugged into Todoroki tighter starting to sob again, tugging at his shirt gently and clutching the fabric in his hand.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. You're going to be okay." Todo comforted as Midoria shivered, thinking that it was getting a little cold and Deku was on his left so he heated up a little bit. "Things like this happen and I don't know if this helps but it makes you stronger."

"You're so warm..." Midoria whispered calmly curling into his side.

"Bakugo took me out first. I remember our first date, he was a little stiff and awkward but I broke through by the second. By the third we were holding hands and talking about our pasts and our fears and everything. That was the first time he'd warmed up to someone so much so I rested on his shoulder. I felt so comfortable there, he was warm. He was shaking a little bit though... I think talking about his past upset him and he was trying to hold back tears..." Deku smiled. The smile turned to sadness again. "But now that's all gone... I'll never feel his lips on mine again or the way he was so gentle when talking to me..."

Todoroki looked up at the sky and realised that it was getting late.

"We should go." He stated.

Deku nodded and pulled away from Todoroki.

"Can you stay with me?" He asked.

"Yes." Todo replied, ignoring the fact that his father would probably be angry. He needed to help Midoria get through the night.

When they got back to his house, Deku lead Todoroki up to his room. He pulled a dressed mattress out from under his bed and lay it on the floor, pulling a blanket from under there too.

"He told me that he loved me by the water fountain." Deku sung quietly. Todoroki couldn't really hear the rest of the song until this specific part that Deku's voice started cracking.

"And now I'm grabbing his hips
And pulling him in
Kissing his lips
And whispering in his ear
But I know that it's only a wish
And that he isn't with me by the water fountain."

Sure Midoria's voice wasn't the best sure, but it was really cute as saddening as the situation was. He could tell that Deku was hurting and those lyrics were something not to ignore. The way he sung them was so soothing and yet broken.

"I miss him Todo..." Deku mumbled tearing up again after he'd finished singing.

"I know." Todo whispered. He noticed a small iPod and speaker sitting on his bedside table. He flicked through the music until he hit the song that Midoria was singing. Together they stared out the window silently, listening to the music and curled together, Todoroki wrapping his arms gently around Midoria as he softly cried.

"I'll be here to keep you safe..." Todo whispered into his ear. "I won't leave until you're okay."

"Thanks Todo." Deku whispered.

The noise of crying stopped slowly and all Todo could hear was Midoria's soft breathing. They fell asleep, cuddled together and safe.

I hope that didn't suck. But that is a way to vent whilst writing. These will get less sad and more cute but I'm just warning you, I might not be able to update too often. I have a lot of other stories I'm working on. Anyway love y'all and peace out.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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