Tainted Luck

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Today just wasn’t going as I planned today. First the car died on me this morning so I was late for class, then I forgot my homework in the front seat of the car that was in the shop, and then Coach Newton kicked me off the basketball team. Justin keeps telling me that I did the right thing, standing up for what’s right. Just because I stood up to Coach Newton about steroids he kicked me off.

“You are going to take those stupid pills or you’re off the team!” he yelled throwing a bottle at me as I stood in front of my locker without a shirt on.

“Coach, we could get in trouble if we are caught with this in our blood stream,” I answered not bothering to flinch at the bottle that hit me.

“Are you saying no to me, Strong?”

I stood there staring at him. My parents would want me to do the right thing, and I did too; even if it meant that I would lose my friends. Like the saying goes, “If you lose them, then they weren’t real friends at all.”

“Yes, sir. I am not taking them, kick me off, I don’t care. My parents would rather me be kicked off for turning down drugs than anything else.” I finally said staring into his enraged eyes.

“Clean out that locker and get out of here, you have ten minutes, Strong.”

An hour and a half after this the worse thing ever happened to me, well not me really. As I was walking through the woods home that afternoon I came across something no one should ever have to see. I heard yelling before I even saw what was really happening. It sounded like a tornado was ripping through the woods. Then I heard a scream.

“Help! Someone help me,” a girl yelled in between gasps for air. I started to run and as I ran through the trees I saw what the “tornado” was. A bear, a 6 foot black bear was on top of a girl. Her arms and chest were all torn up and covered in blood. The bear was trying to get to her face as she tried to cover it with her almost gone hands. How was she still able cry for help?

“Help! Please help!” she kept yelling.  Without thinking I pulled my pocket knife out of my pocket and slowly circled around so that the bear’s back was to me. When I was in the right spot I could see the girl’s face.  Her face was covered in blood, a chunk was missing from her cheek, and her eyes; her eyes were barely there. They were clouding over like she was dying, then a suddenly loud scream and a big jolt went through her body and she was motionless.

I started running and after gaining speed I jumped onto the bear’s back. I didn’t know where to start stabbing him, so I went for the brain. I pulled my pocket knife up and brought it down will full force and stabbed it in the head. The bear threw its head back and cried out. I almost got thrown off but I tighten my grip around its neck and took another stab. I felt life leave the body but it kept going at the motionless girl. As I raised the knife again I saw the girl’s phone lying on the ground a few feet away open. It took three blows with a pocket knife to the brain before the bear finally fell over. 

I climbed off of the lifeless bear and rushed over to the girl. She was barely breathing and I didn’t know where to touch her without being covered in blood. Then I remembered her phone. I rushed over and grabbed the phone dialing 911 as I ran back to the motionless girl.

“911, what is your emergency?” a female voice said answering the phone.

“I just killed a bear, and I found a girl being attacked and I think she’s dying,” I said in a rush.

“What is your location right now? Are there any signs of life?” the voice said grabbing something on her end.

“I’m in the Lanson woods about a quarter of a mile in, and I feel a soft pulse,” I said holding her wrist, the only thing that looked like part of a human and not like one of those bodies from those scary movies.

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