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  P R O L O U G E

"School", a creepy, horrifying and disgusting place a human could ever visit or imagine. Sure there are a few ones that 'are' actually great but be real for a second. Are schools actually great? Whether or not it's clean, dirty, nice, mean, active or dead? Is it worth going to? I've been through that experience and it sucks to see how brain-damaged the students and teachers were. I'm still going through this experience, and I'm glad I got used to it, to the screams, to the childish behaviour, to their stupid attitude and how they think they're better than anyone else..  There was this dude in 5th grade who wasn't like the others, where I live you'd be called a cry baby or a faggot for not being like the other "cool" kids, in this case with this dude. And since we were so different from the others and so lonely we became best friends, but until 9th grade came, when our whole class had been split into pieces. Our teacher starting with a new class forgetting that we were once her students, and my classmates forgetting each and every one of us. Sure there were some of them who did continue to communicate with their friends, but the others who I haven't heard of for a while probably ended their lives, continue it or started new ones. 9th was though, lots of people I never met or recognise. But for some reason they did know each other, when I thought we were all strangers... I'd be sitting in the very back seat, not because I wanted to look cool or play cool or anything, I wanted to stay away from them. I sound like a closeted and introverted person(which I probably am) but I did that for good, for my own good, or at least that's what I thought I was doing. Until I got to realise the reason they don't interact with me it's because of my weird behaviour, because I'm different from them...  I'm not trying to sound like an emo or goth here, I'm just telling my opinion and experience, or I'm not.

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