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                       A/N: I have decided to make another fanfic! BUT WITH CONNOR FRANTA! In no way do I believe that Connor is gay. I LOVE Connor so that is why I am making this. Get it? Got it? Good :). LET US GET TO MEETING THE CHARACTERS SHALL WE? Oh! BTW! I dont really know how old Connor actually is, but in this, he's 19 :).



           Yo, I'm Cameron. I'm 17. Uh, I have brown hair. I'm sort of the hipster sort of dude. I like to take selfes with no shirt on, posing in a hat. Ya get what I mean? I have a Idgaf attitude and it'll take someone really special to bring out the real me. I stopped being me a long time ago. No one seemed to be interested in the real me so why be something no one else likes?

     I live in an appartment by myself. It's super small and smells sort of weird. But it's better than nothing. I work at a movie theatre. It's an okay job. I mostly like working the window. All the people can see my hotness. No, I'm kidding. Sort of.

    My family hates me, everyone hates me. I'm just not good enough. Whatever I do. No matter how much I change Nothing works. And it hurts. Extremely bad. Have you ever felt that way? It doesn't fee good. Oh and to top it off, I'm gay.

     No one wants to hang out with a gay person. No one. Ya know how people wish that another person was gay so they could be with them? I would never wish being gay on anyone. I have tried so many times to be with a girl. I seriously just can't.

      But ya, that's me. Uh, continue to read if you want. I hope it gets better for you to read. Uh, bye?

       A/N: Thats Cameron! Pic of him on the side! I looked on google and found it like I usually do with my characters. So, ya! I thought that picture made a perfect Cameron! I hope you enjoyed! Here's a cuddle for my puddles *HUGS* Comment what ya think! Stay pretty ;)

Changing Cameron ~A Connor Franta gay fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now