chapter 1

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Liverpool, England 1968
Silence filled every inch of Paul McCartney's flat as he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling with tired eyes. After his separation with Linda, it was all he ever did anymore. His life seemed empty, and his heart was broken. He hadn't seen his best mates, John, George, and Ringo, in weeks, maybe even months. Paul was too sad to keep track of the time passing him by. Ringo and George has tried calling up his house but Paul wasn't in the state of mind to answer. John hadn't tried to call him though, which secretly bothered Paul.

Finally, Paul got up, making a beeline for the restroom. He'd been using the drink to help him cope, getting drunk every night and waking up every morning with a massive hangover. Paul leaned over the toilet and threw up the alcohol. Dammit, Paul he scolded himself. After he'd finished spilling out his guts, Paul wiped his face with a towel and walked out of the bathroom. He knew he had to get out of the dark place he was in before something worse happened to him.

Entering the kitchen, Paul made his way over to the table, picking up his mail from yesterday. A letter from Ringo caught his eye, and he tore open the envelope.
Dear Paul,
We miss you a lot, mate. George and I don't know what to do, with both of our song writers gone and all. Please, if you come back, it might bring back John too. Geo and I need you, mate.

Paul sighed, he missed Ringo and the rest of his band mates. Something Ringo said caught his attention though, something about John. Where's John? What's happened to John? Paul dialed John's number on the phone on the kitchen wall, waiting for John to answer.

"Ello?" John mumbled into the phone.

"Oi, Johnny? It's Paul. You doin' alright mate?"

"Oh, hey Macca. No, I'm not doing too well. Cynthia's left me, Paul." John whimpered softly into the phone.

Paul was shocked, John was going through the same thing he was.

"John, I'm sorry mate. I'm, uh, going through the same thing. Linda left me too, we were just about to get m-married." Paul swallowed the choking feeling in his throat.

"Wow, mate. Er, I'm really sorry too. It seems like we both need some cheering up. Why don't I come over and we have a drink, aye Paulie?" Paul heard John's voice seem to light up over the phone.

"Of course, Johnny. I will see you soon, mate."

Paul gently hung up the phone, grinning. He could always count on John to cheer him up. He had to do some cleaning before John arrived, however. Bottles were littered all over his kitchen and living room. He bent down and grabbed a couple of bottles by their necks and he threw them into the trash. Soon, his flat was clean and there were no bottles in plain sight. Across the room, his bass guitar lay in a corner gathering dust. He smiled sadly, grabbed the guitar, and sat down on a stool. Paul strummed a few chords, humming softly. Music was the one thing that made him happy, always had and always will.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her
Paul sang softly, his smooth, sonorous voice echoing off the walls of his flat. The early sun snuck through the windows and lit up Paul's face, making it glow in the light.

She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her
A tear formed in the corner of Paul's eye, he missed Linda with his whole heart. She made him feel happy and complete, but she was gone and he had to accept that.

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me
His voice cracked, and his vision was blurred by tears. Paul placed his guitar on the ground next to him and put his hands on his face, quietly weeping. Wiping the tears off of his face and sniffling, he picked up the guitar and tried again.

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
The door to Paul's flat opened for only a moment, and John slipped through it. He stood in the entryway listening to Paul, who had no idea he was being heard. John felt himself soaking up Paul's sorrowful lyrics, and a tear streamed down his cheek.

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her
Paul stopped singing, but continued playing the chords for the song, moving his dainty fingers swiftly up and down on the guitar. He hung his head low, and John heard a little sigh escape his lips. John quickly wiped the single tear off of his cheek, accidentally bumping the doorframe in the process. Paul jumped at the loud noise, almost falling out of his stool.

"Shit, John. You scared me. How long have you been there mate?" Paul said, acting like he'd not just almost fallen off the stool.

"Long enough, I'm really sorry Paul. I know what you're going through hurts, but you will find love again. I promise." John whispered softly.

" John, she hurt me so bad that I don't think I will be able to find love again. Don't you feel the same?" Paul's tired, hazel eyes gazed into John's brown ones, and for a moment they seemed connected.

"I can't lie to you, Paul. I do, I feel empty. Empty and sad. A part of me was lost when she said we needed to divorce. I don't think I could ever love another girl as much as I loved her." John sighed.

Paul pulled his best friend closer and they hugged. John's familiar touch made Paul happier than he was. He was more comfortable with John than any other person in his life.

"John," Paul said in a tone that suggested that he was almost baiting John into a response.

"Yeah Paul?" John took the bait.

"Why don't you just stay here for a while, w-we can help each other get better." Paul stammered.

"I'd like that, Paul." John smiled with happy eyes.

hello everyone! this is a new story i'm working on, i hope you enjoy it! more parts will be in the works shortly, but for now this is it. it's good to be back, i truly missed writing.
~ emma

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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