Ex Pains, True Loves

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It was an ordinary day at the cafe.

Shrek leaned against the counter, his head resting on his hand. He was bored. Again. For the one-millionth time. Sure, the cafe was always busy, but that didn't mean he had any fun. All he had to do was smile, take orders from customers and listen to people's complaints. There was the occasional fight, but it didn't escalate beyond anything verbal. It was all just insulting one another using derogatory remarks.

The usual chatter between friends and couples flooded the ogre's ears. The rich smell of coffee beans and other baked goods wafted in his nostrils. Some kid in the corner of the cafe was crying because he had dropped his chocolate-chip muffin on the floor. The brat probably deserved it to be honest.

Shrek sighs. Why couldn't anything good happen to him?

As if his prayers had been heard, a young hedgehog walks inside and holy shit does Shrek find him attractive. His silky, ebony hair with streaks of red like fire, the way his eyes seem to glow in the light, his long legs - it all seemed so surreal. How is it possible for one single hedgehog to be that gorgeous?

The raven-coloured hedgehog approached Shrek, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his grey jacket.

"Can I have a coffee; black, please?" he asks.

Shrek feels his face heating up. "Y-yeah. Uh, name?"


Shreks mouth hangs open slightly, completely enraptured by Shadows beauty. "Your order will be ready shortly."

Shadow simply nods in response, turning away to take a seat at one of the empty tables.

Other people in the line are asking for there drinks and other beverages, but Shrek can't pay attention. Not with him around. The ogre wasn't even sure if his words were coming out in the correct order, not that he cared. No, the only thing he cared about was the hedgehog who was sitting all by himself in that dark corner.

Shrek frowns. Where are all of his friends anyway?

Soon enough, Shadows order was ready. Shrek was given a medium cup of black coffee with 'Shadow' written on it in messy handwriting. It was obviously Donkey's handwriting.

"Shadow?" Shrek called out, purposefully gazing away at the opposite direction of the hedgehog as to not give away the fact that he had been watching him.

Shadow slowly shuffles towards the counter - towards Shrek - and holds out his right hand. Shrek goes to give him his coffee when he looks down at the other man's wrist.

Shrek's eyes widened at the sight.



that's not right.

Is that?


Shadows wrist is littered with so many scars Shrek can't even count them all. Some were old, some were new, some looked freshly cut.

Shreks breath hitches in his throat. He looks up only to see poorly disguised panic take over Shadows features. He noticed him staring.


The hedgehog hastily pulls down his sleeves and storms out of the cafe, forgetting all about his hot drink. Tears stung in his ruby red eyes. He can't believe he let that ogre see them! He bit his lower lip, hard enough for it to bleed. He felt so stupid.




"H-hey, slow down!"

Shadow looks over his shoulder to try and find the owner of the voice. It was none other than the ogre who took his order; Shrek. He held his black coffee in his hands, his black, blue and red striped apron creeping its way to the side. His eyes are filled with concern and affection, but showed no signs of pity.

"You uh, " he laughs nervously, "You forgot to take your order."

Shadow avoids staring, too ashamed to even look at him. "It doesn't matter now, I don't want it anymore."

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you... Want to talk about it?"

Shadow meets Shrek's gaze. "Why do you care?"

Shrek smiles softly. "Because you're important; everyone is - not including my co-worker Donkey."

Shadow stifles a giggle.

The ogre gingerly approaches the hedgehog not wanting to startle him. He holds out his order and gently pushes it into the other male's hand, thing warmth of the cup of coffee spreading through Shadow's body like wildfire. Shadow glances at the nametag on his apron. Shrek. Huh, what an odd name.

"I'm not a great talker but..." Shrek flashes Shadow another grin. "I'm a great listener."

Shadow sniffles.

"Well..." the hedgehog begins. "It all started with my ex-boyfriend..."

"Go on, I'm listening."

"His name was Sonic... He was everything to me, y'know? He was so kind and bright. He was super optimistic and had an unhealthy addition to chilly dogs..." he smiles sadly, likely remembering him. "O-one day, we got into an argument. We've had fights before but... This one was really bad. Sonic stormed out of the house mad and drove off. After a while, I began to regret it so I tried calling him but he didn't call back. Later that day I found out that -" he chokes back a sob, "- I found out that he had died in a car accident."

Shrek's heart aches for the other man. "Shadow..."

"I wasn't in a good place ever since... I just progressively got worse and worse..." Shadow's face twists into a cringe. "Why am I even telling this to you?"

"Hey..." Shrek clasps his hands around the hedgehog's trembling ones. "I know you've probably heard this millions of times already, but things really do get better. I know that you don't really get over these things... " He feels a pang of sadness in his heart thinking of Fiona, his dead wife, "but you learn to live with it. With enough time your heart will heal, and you will be able to let go."

A single tear rolls down Shadow's flushed cheek. "And you said you weren't a good talker..." he looks down at the ground slightly embarrassed. "T-thanks." No one's ever said that to me before, he adds but does not dare to say it aloud.

"So..." Shrek bashfully places his hand behind his neck and scratches. "Do you... Want to go out and get some coffee later?"

A light blush appears on Shadows face. He studies the ogre's face intensely. He's... Actually kinda cute.

"Uh, " he clears his throat. "S-sure."

Shrek looks down at the cup of coffee. "Speaking of coffee..." he smirks.

"You should probably drink that before it goes cold."

Ex Pains, True Loves [Shrek x Shadow] (one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now