Venom (Big Boss x F! Reader)

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     Deep breath in and hold it... then let it go as you pull the trigger; at this point you were akin to a well-oiled machine when on the battlefield. You lowered your sniper rifle as you watched the guard along the watch tower slump over and the searchlight skewed upwards toward the darkened sky. You dragged yourself out of the shadows and made your way across the dry Afghanistan desert. You had an innate skill when it came to stealth and you found it remarkably easy to slip into the ranks of enemy soldiers and take them out without risking detection. Your work as a soldier usually entailed extraction missions, reconnaissance, and anything that required you to fly under the radar.

You tapped your communicator and spoke lowly into the receiver, "This is Tempest, heading into the eye of the storm; and going dark." You were obligated to let your company know that you would be turning off your communicator and wouldn't be responding to incoming transmissions. You waited for confirmation before powering your communicator off and proceeding further into the base. According to your briefing and Intel your extraction target would be in the outpost building furthest from your drop location. You had the building in sight but there was something off about the whole mission the remaining guard rotations were sparse for such a high value prisoner.

Your target was a fellow elite Diamond Dog soldier, Code Name Bishop, you two had known each other for years but you didn't do field work together you preferred to work alone. You never used to go out into the field alone but after a certain mission ended in heartbreak you swore that you would complete your missions alone; you wouldn't allow a repeat of your mistakes. A mistake that would haunt you forever but this wasn't the time for that. You moved through the remaining soldiers and took them out with ease and yet your trepidation continued. At last, you made it to the final outpost building; it was dark and unnervingly quiet. You turned your communicator back on but got nothing but static; the signal was being disrupted by something or someone.

You silently pushed the door of the outpost open and scanned the room with your gun drawn. Toward the back of the room you saw a dark figure slumped over; you cautiously approached the figure and reached out to check for a pulse. It was a huge mistake because as soon as you jostled the figure you realized that it wasn't in fact a person but a dummy. The dummy was rigged to some sort of device that started ticking feverishly and at that point your legs had a mind of their own; once you realized that you had just tripped a bomb. You barely made it through the doors before the building blew up sending you flying forward into one of the compound's many heavy metal buildings. You felt the excruciating pain of the towering flames and a sudden sharp pain tore through your shoulder and left leg. It was almost a white hot pain intense enough to momentarily blind you as it burned from the inside out. When you started to come back around you heard the unmistakable sound of helicopter blades; looked toward the sound in horror.

You recognized the helicopter immediately, it was meant to be your form of evacuation once you had your target in tow. You hadn't called for an Evac and the helicopter was landing too close to the compound; there was someone behind this they knew about your mission and your intended target. This mission was bound to fail before it even started and you could only watch in horror as the events played out before your eyes. Two rooftops away you saw a soldier pulling himself up and cradling a large gun on his shoulder; you were too far away and you were unable to move your right arm leaving you unable to take down the enemy soldier. He fired off a single rocket with enough accuracy to demolish the helicopter's propellers and send it crashing down into base below. The resulting explosion was so large that it effortlessly leveled half of the compound and left you in utter shock.

You had to pull yourself back to reality and make your way out of this damned compound because there was obviously something jamming your communicator's signal and you needed to distance yourself from it. You were so wrapped up in the loss of your Evac team that you hadn't taken the time to properly evaluate your injuries. Your left leg was bleeding but you could still move and hopefully put pressure on it so that you could walk but your inspection of your right shoulder was a little more gruesome. Your shoulder was impaled upon a piece of metal foundation, belonging to one of the compound's many buildings, which was now exposed due to the first explosion. There was no way around it you were going to have to pull yourself free and find another way back to Mother base.

Venom (Big Boss x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now