January 11,2019 Friday

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2:56 pm

Everything went to shit after I got in the car. I was happy and I got over the fact that I couldn't go to swim practice. But no. Life just made me think that all was well in Kayla land until a storm came and fuck it all up with bad news. So I had to reschedule my violin practice with my violin teacher but I decided to do it at the last minute. My violin teacher didn't text back so I just brought my swim bag with me. But in Spanish class my mom finally told me she couldn't reschedule because it was last minute. Oh well. I just had to carry around my giant ass swim bag when I'm not even going to swim. Bullshit. Then I got over the fact that I couldn't go. But at the end of the day when my mom picked me up, all went wrong. Complete ass. My mom said I couldn't go to any of the Friday practices because my violin teacher sent an email out to everyone saying that she is tired that everyone is putting violin second in their schedules. And let me remind you that if I can't go to Friday swim practices then I am only going to go to 4 practices this month. My coach even yelled at me before hand for going to every practice this month because their aren't many practices. Then when we almost got to violin practice the school called. Saying that my school schedule for next year was mixed up. By the way I already told my mom what I wanted to do and she doesn't listen. Then in the last fucking period, Microsoft class the teacher pulls me for giving someone my work. One fucking mistake and now I am going to get dumbass zeros for all my assignments. Let's hope this day doesn't get any fucking worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2019 ⏰

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