Young and Restless

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*These characters all belong to Sarah J. Maas*

The woods were getting cold and the sun was setting. The young Ironteeth Witch of the Blackbeak clan had to find shelter soon. She had been on the move all day. The villagers finally had enough of her and a large group came up to where she was and chased her out of town. 

Maybe chased wasn't the best word for the occasion since she was planning on leaving the next week. They forced her to leave ahead of schedule and that annoyed her slightly. Last minute packing was never her thing, so she most likely forgot a few items back at her old house. 

Continuing to walk through the thick woods, Asterin Blackbeak of the Blackbeak clan slipped on some ice that was covered by snow and fell backwards, tossing a few items out of her bag. She cursed a string of curse words before getting up. Why was her luck so horrible today? First, she was chased out of her home and now everything was on the ground and was getting wet. Asterin picked up everything and continued on her journey to who knows where when the wind started to pick up. Followed by snow. Perfect. 

She had to find some shelter or something. An inn maybe? No, why would there be an inn in the middle of nowhere? Maybe a cave. That would do temporarily. It definitely would not be any kind of luxury, but it would work for the night. 

Asterin continued on her walk, slowly getting more and more frustrated with her long golden hair that kept flying into her face. The wind was even stronger now and the snow was so heavy that it was getting harder to see. Hopefully, she found shelter soon. If not, then may the gods have mercy on her. 

It was going to be hard to spot a cave through all this snow. That is if there is a cave in the area. The number of caves was small in this part of the country, or so says the books she has read in the past. However, there was still that small chance that she will find one. 

Find a cave than have a fire. That was one of the few things that kept her walking through the storm. It was a small motivation, but it was still motivation. Any kind of motivation can be useful. 

The young witch felt a small pain in her stomach signifying hunger. She hadn't eaten all day and her body made that quite clear. Food could wait. Carefully walking through the woods, making sure not to slip once again, Asterin came face to face with a sight that made her warm up a little inside. A log cabin. Without thinking, the young witch walked inside the cabin to be greeted with warmth. Asterin closed the door then collapsed onto the floor. The final thing she saw before everything went black was a handsome young man with a shocked expression on his face.

After quite some time, Asterin woke up in a strange room in a strange house. Then everything came rushing back to her. She was most likely in the log cabin. Who was that man? What happened to her?

The young witch got up from the bed to notice that her brown leather boots were missing, and she was wearing different clothes. Instead of her black coat and black pants, she was wearing a dark cotton dress. Oh, how she hated dresses.

The young witch with golden hair walked out of the room into a hallway, only to be met by a tall young man with long dark hair tied back, dark skin and dark heavy clothing that looks like it would be worn for hunting. He could be a hunter perhaps? He looked a lot like the man from earlier, so was I him who brought her up here. She couldn't snell any other people in the house, so it must have been.

"Who the fuck are you and Why are you in my house?" The hunter asked.

"Who I am is not important. I thought no one was in the house and I needed shelter," he nodded and she cocked an eyebrow before she continued, "now, who are you?"

"If I tell you, will you tell me?" the man asked. Asterin nodded, "my name is Ryhan Ravera."

"And my name is Asterin Blackbeak."

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