Damps On My Mind🍂

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Title: Damps On My Mind
By: Dineo The Poetess(Feat Broken Soul)

There's a lot on my mind
sometimes I wonder how it all manages to fit inside
I mean my head is not that big but there's a lot of stuff in it.
Damn my head space feels like a mad scientist's laboratory.
It is nasty inside,downside up with a claster of words scattered everywhere.
Paws of poems are pimped on the inside walls of my skull.

Broken Soul
My brain feels like it's been soaked in bleach
My Yellow Matter Can't Reach..
I'm Sorry I Mean My Gray Matter Is Getting Retarded
I'm A Tortoise in a Hare Race
A Single Thought Becomes a Mission
All This Dark Stains In My Mind Hinder My thoughts,
Wait Hold On, Am I In Prison?
Im Finding it Burdensome breathing
My Pedal Prints have been moving in Circles
Painful Thoughts Scattered Everywhere
My Mind Has Become A Cemetery
All the doubts filter My Thoughts
And They Abscond And Isolate Themselves To My Medulla Oblangata
I Think Im Woke But
Look There's a Stroke Being Applied
To My Mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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