Chapter 1

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„Why I am still in here?" I've asked myself while putting my mind together in this messy,crowdy place,which was called „Rainbow".
„How accurate" I've smirked to myself.
I thought that,when people are going to place called as one of the most beautiful weather phenomenon,would not imagine it as club with tidy flor,which on,God knows, what it was and ugh this smoke everywhere. It was not-Rainbowy at all.

„God,why do I always need to end up like this,my dog has more stubborness in his blood than I have".I've must needed to make one of those not happy faces because my bff looked at me with some anxiety.

„Why do you look like a shit right now?" Mila asked me.
„Maybe because you've wrenched me out of my comfort zone?"
„Which was what exactly? Sitting with your dog and eating an ice cream underneath a blanket? This is your deffinition of having a good Saturday evening?" My friend smiled at me sarcasticly.
„As you can tell by far,yes." I've replied.
„Ohhh,Liss,come on! Let's just take that stick out of your butt today! I mean today's my birthday,so if you just could pretend to be happy ,it'll mean a world to me" She looked at me with please.

"Ohhh,alright,just 'cause it's your birthday today" I 've replied.

"My God,what an honor!" She gave me one of her most ironic looks.

"Welcome hon,hope you're enjoying the moment 'cause it won't last long"I've replied within the most sarcastic smile I could possibly do.

"SHHHH,the show is about to start! You don't know how excited I'm right now! Just can't wait to see the 4 of them! Mila silenced me.

"Yeah,couldn't see that through all this evening"

"Just relax yourself and try to be happy with our accurate situation"

"I'll do my best sweetie,oh here they're coming"

"Ohhhh shit,for now on don't say a word,'cause I won't even hear you,you can actually sing along if you want to"

"That's the thing I've dreamed about all my life! Of course I'll sing along!" I've yelled to her but she wasn't really looking at me anymore.

Suddenly the lights were off and the only thing that was giving sort of a light was,I suppose,lead singers' diamond costume.The crowd went crazy and  they were actually singing along with singer ,a "Killer Queen" song I suppose.

"Damn it,I didn't know that this Queen band were so recognized.Their songs too.Maybe their music wasn't so bad at least" I've spoken to myself as quiet as I could.

"What are your whispering down there? I thought you were singing but as it's turned out you're not hahah" Mila gave me a glance.

"I was just about to consider it" Surprisingly I 've smiled at her.

"Yeah,I wish,but if you were actually going to,nothing can stop you,yeah?" She winked at me.

"Yeah,I suppose so! Don't bother,just keep enjoying the show"

"I am and will!"

"Grand,we'll chat later,I can barely hear you!" I've shouted to her,maby too loud"

"Okay! God,Rog is going to play his drum solo! If I'll pass out you'll catch me,right?" She asked me quite serious.

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