First Chapter | "Your Second Day."

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  Your first year at Hogwarts awaits you. To your surprise, everything and everyone was swell, except a fellow professor they call- Snape, Severus Snape.

He seemed to be very bitter- and cold, as if he had no emotions.

Didn't seem to bother you though, I mean, he was rather ruthless with Harry Potter. You didn't care much about it, as long as you never had a problem with Snape, everything is okay.

  Well, not for long.

You had already past your first day in potions, as for all your other classes as well- but its time for your second day. You didn't feel so confident, you honestly never did. You didn't have much self-esteem.  You'd never thought you needed it, well.... Thought for the most.

Now, that the first day at Hogwarts had passed, it'd get much more serious (or may I say... Sirius.. 😂 I'm so sorry!-). The first day is usually for both students and teachers to make good first impressions, decisions, and sometimes just impress others with their skills (I said that twice.. But ok).

Luckily, or Unluckily, the sorting hat had sorted you into your house.... Slytherin. At first you thought there nay have been a mistake- but no, it was super clear you belonged there- or you hoped so. If not, Albus Dumbledore promised to sort things out and change your house, due to you not wanting to be in Slytherin at all.

  You got super mad, but, maybe you did belong in Slytherin afterall. You'd have to find out, itd be a very fun adventure...(Sarcasm level: 100℅).

But, there was still one problem. Snape was the head of the house. He could easily expel you, since the fate of your life is his decision he could practically do anything he wanted with you. Let's just hope he doesn't, okay? So, after all that has happened, you immediately loved Hogwarts no matter what.

  Witches and Wizards together, casting spells, classes, and everything else that is very pleasant to you. Potions by far was a favorite of yours, followed by Charms after, then transfiguration. You don't know if it was Snape you liked or the class in general- yes, you were rather fond of Snape, your potions teacher.

You admit, it's sort of disgusting, gross, and any other word that goes along with those two.

All of a sudden, your very new friend speaks. "Wow Y/n, I didn't know you slept while sitting." He walked over to you, and then sat down beside your seat. "Oh my Atlanta!- How long have I been asleep?" You respond in shock.

"Like, not too long but definitely not the usual. Oh, and may I say that, potions class with Snape starts in about 10-11 minutes or so, I suggest getting dressed. Even though Carlisle (Yes. That's his name.) wasn't exactly the person to tell you what to do, you listened. Not that he bossed you around or anything, just that sometimes he told you what to do. (it's not like, ACTUALLY bossing around- it's hard to explain- I'm sorry.. ).

  You chose your favorite jeans/pants to go along with the shirt you were wearing, also with the hoodie of your choice. You'd always wear a hoodie around, sometimes maybe even a sweater- didn't really matter which. I guess sometimes people saw you as an emo kid, but that didn't bother you.

  "Y/n, hurry up, we're officially going to be late to potions!" Carlisle shouted from a distance. "Wait up, I'm getting dressed." You didn't yell nor shout, just responded calmly. "You don't seem to care as much I do." He retorts.

Wow, of course you cared! You cared for almost anything, but I guess not as much. After you were finished, you rushed to the door out of your common room and ran behind Carlisle to potions. Be glad you weren't late, or else you'd have to deal with Snape.

"Well, look who we have here. Miss Y/n, I thought you were about to skip my class," Snape looked over to you, then Carlisle. I guess you did have to deal with him. "... Along with Carlisle. Strange you two almost came late... I ought to think you two were... Busy?" Carlisle stared at you, flushed in red.

"That's ridiculous professor- we met just yesterday." Carlisle snapped, still pretty red. "It's evenly ridiculous you two were almost late as well. You should- put an alarm if you can't wake up." Snape added. Throughout the whole conversation, you had remained silent. After, you were gestured to your assigned seats, far from Carlisle.

Maybe Snape thought Carlisle would be too distracting to you- but it was no use because Snape was much more distracting... And it didn't seem to help when he had sat you near his desk. Then he'd find out- you had a major crush on your teacher, you'd get expelled- and oh my Merlin who knows what else!-

  Let's hope you'll be able to tolerate sitting near him. Let's just hope....

(A/n: I'm so happy I got this done. I'm getting very anxious while publishing this, but I believe I'll be okay. Sorry if I kept repeating things or I made stuff to hard to understand or anything like that, I apologize. I... Uh... PM me if you have any questions or concerns, maybe even suggestions if you'd like. Vote & comment I guess?? Also, feel free to share how you felt about this chapter. I'd love to hear your pov about this- please! Also, o suggest don't comment hate- I can be known to be uh... Sensitive..?)

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