Chapter 1- Anna

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Chapter 1

Beep Beep Beep Beep

Without opening my eyes, I root around with my hand trying to hit snooze on my alarm. Why is it even going off? Did I set it wrong? It feels like 12 o'clock at night. By this time I've missed the snooze button about 20 times, and am already semi-awake; looking at the clock I realise it's actually 7 in the morning. I'm blaming jet lag- if we haven't have travelled halfway around the world yesterday, I probably would have gotten a half decent night of sleep. But instead, my mum decided to move to Denver, Colorado, America. Why, you ask. Well you're going to have to wait for the answer because I'm wondering the same thing!

I get up and trudge to the bathroom to splash some water on my face in an attempt to wake myself up. It doesn't work. I'm tempted to skip my first day of school in order to catch up on my sleep, but when I arrive downstairs I see my mum passed out on the sofa. I have 2 choices- 1, Go to school and face a bunch of judgemental American teenagers, or 2, Stay at home sleep for another couple of hours and face getting hit by my mum when she realises I'm still home. I pick choice number 1. It's better not delaying the inevitable, plus going to school tomorrow with bruises is just going to bring up unwanted questions.

I finish getting ready chucking on a pair of faded blue jeans, a strap top and my brown leather jacket; stuffing my feet into black converse; and pushing my hair into a messy bun atop my head. I opt for no makeup- 1, because I don't really need it, and 2, because I don't really care about making a good impression. Don't get me wrong- I'm not a complete loner or one of those nerdy girls with her head always stuck in a book. I like reading, but I'm not insanely clever more like average. Also I like people but I'm not really into the party scene. You can't be with a mum like mine- if I let down my guard for a second I could let slip about the abuse, and people would want to help. They'd think they're being nice but in fact they just cause more trouble than I'm worth. Better to suffer in silence for 2 more years and voluntarily leave, than be involved with the authorities, and hospitals, and custody agreements. Trust me, I've been there, done that and got nothing apart from heartbreak out of it.

I grab my bag and head to the bus stop, getting ready to ride with the freshmen- from what I understand this is going to be embarrassing, a seventeen year old girl riding with a load of 15 year olds. As anybody older can drive and has a car, or knows someone who does. Turns out I'm right. First the bus driver doesn't see me; I figure nobody normally gets on at my stop. Then he brakes suddenly and brings the bus to a stop several feet from where I'm standing; meaning I have to run to the bus with a whole load of excited teenagers watching to see who the new person is. When I get onto the bus I keep my head down and shuffle towards a seat at the back, my jet lag catching up with me. I plug in my music and try to ignore all the stares. Somebody pocks my arm. I ignore them and concentrate on not falling asleep. Pock. Ignore. Pock. Ignore. Pock. "Yes?" I ask turning my head to face the pimple covered teenage boy in front of me. "You're new." He states. I look at him in an attempt to convey my "surprise" at the fact he's noticed. "And you're old." He says making my view of Coloradan teens lower even more in intelligence stacks. "Old?" I ask putting a bit of anger into my tone in an attempt to play with the kid. "Well not old..." he backtracks, "but older than us" he clarifies, "people your age don't get the school bus." His friends around him nod their agreement. "Note the accent kid." I reply, "You kind of drive the wrong way round here, and I didn't want to 'treat' Denver with my 'impressive' driving skills," This was actually a lie- I've never gotten behind the wheel of a car as learning to drive costs money, which is better spent on say, food. At this point he's noticed I'm British and is sitting with his mouth open watching me like I'm from another planet. "Close your mouth kid, you'll catch flies." Is all I say before plugging my music back in, and closing my eyes. I'm left alone for the rest of the trip, though I hear the whispered gossiping about me but chose to ignore it. Then we arrive.

Blakefield Academy- is written in black script on a metal sign attached to the building. And what a building it is- it's huge! Oh boy am I going to get lost. With red bricks, and dark wood windows its like something from a Gothic novel- tall dark green trees surround it on three sides with what looks like the playing fields around the back. I'm dreading that part, although I'm not unfit, I don't have an avid interest in PE or as we used to call it in England 'PT' standing for Physical Torture- anyways it's not like I'm against exercising, but more like it's against me. I'm incredibly clumsy and can fall over a flat surface very easily- this actually helps with the mum thing, as once people get to know me they put the bruises down to me tripping up, and not me being physically abused. Case and point; when I exit the school bus and nearly face plant onto the floor. I'm just bracing myself for the hit, but it never comes. I feel a hard presence around my waist and look down to see a very tanned and muscular arm holding me off the floor. When I look up I'm met with the most mesmerising blue eyes that make me want to throw my arms around the guy and beg him to never let me go, I feel safe, I feel protected, I feel... Wait. What the bloody hell is wrong with me? I've never wanted a boyfriend or even a protective guy friend; in fact I go out of my way to avoid them. What is happening? I pull myself out of my daze and look around. I'm surrounded by what must be blue eye's friends- what is up with the guys in this school; all the lads around me are tall, muscular, and tanned. And they're all looking at me with different expressions- humour, anger, amusement, concern, thoughtfulness and last of all blue eyes himself looks as if he's just won the lottery.

"Um..." I clear my throat which feels like I've just run a marathon, "Sorry about that I should have thought to look around instead of assuming the path was clear" I laugh trying to brush off my embarrassment. Meanwhile blue eyes has finally snapped out of it and is now, very distractingly, running his hands over my body- doing what I have no idea. "No, no, it was my fault I didn't look to see if there was anyone coming off the bus, sorry." He replies in a deep husky voice that makes me want to rip his clothes off... Shit what the hell is wrong with me? I quickly disentangle myself from his arms and pick up my bag, noting his friends' shocked expressions and wondering what on earth I've done now. I nod and him, and duck my head walking away quickly. From behind me I hear, "Whoa mate are you alright?", "do you have a temperature?" "Shit the Alpha actually apologised to someone!", "and a human at that...."

I tune them out confused at what they're saying, and head towards the front office to get my timetable. Alpha? Human? What were they talking about? Deep in thought I wasn't paying attention and walked into what felt like a tree. "Whoa there, little girl, are you alright?" I look up to find I haven't walked into a tree, just a very tall, very hard person- or should I say male. Seriously what do they feed these guys? I wonder. He laughs out loud, "good question" he says picking up my bag. Shit I said that out loud! "I figure from the accent you're new" he muses, "So I'm taking it upon myself to be your defender, your knight in shining armour, if you will." He shoulders my bag, grabs my arm and pulls me along into the office. " First we'll get your timetable, then go find your locker" I feel like he's talking to himself more than to me, so concentrate more on putting one foot in front of the other as he's quite strongly pulling me along. Well, I guess I've made my first friend, and broken my first rule- Don't acquire a protector. Shit! Never mind.

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