#1 At the Fair:Luke

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You are at a fair with the boys. You notice that the whole day Luke has been flirting with you, he even won you a giant stuffed penguin. As you walk to the last ride he puts his arm around you and you can't help but blush. When you get on the ride you and Luke get your own cart. While at the top the Ferris wheel suddenly stops, and you start to get scared. Luke notices and remembers you have a fear of heights he hugs you tight, and says "Don't worry (Y/N) everything is gonna be okay, I'll protect you, I would never let anything bad happen to you." Then he let's go looks you right in the eye, cups your face with both hands and kisses you. While you guys were kissing you didn't realize that the ride has started working again and brought you down to the bottom. You finally stop when you hear Ashton say "Oh, YUCK!" Luke gets off and tells him to shut up, while helping you out of the ride. The whole car ride back to their house Calum, Michael, and Ashton were teasing Luke about the kiss. You finally pull into their driveway, you all get out and you say goodbye and you thank them for inviting you. Before you can get back in the car Luke asks you to stay for a while and hang out. Once you get inside they ask if you want to play FIFA, and you tell them you don't know how to play and that you would rather just watch. After about an hour, you start to get really tired and so do they. You say " guys, I'm gonna head home. I'm super tired" and Ashton says "No, it's too late. You can sleep here tonight and go home in the morning." You start to argue but eventually you give up and tell him " I don't have anything else to wear, and I really don't want to sleep in this." Luke gets up and goes to his room, when he comes back you notice he's holding a shirt. He hands it to you and says "Here, wear this" and smiles. You go to change in the bathroom, when you come out it's just Luke sitting there. You both start laughing because his shirt is so big on you it looks like a dress. You ask if you can have a blanket to sleep on the couch and he shakes his head no and says "You're not sleeping on the couch, come with me" you guys go to his room and he tells you you're sleeping in his bed. You don't argue and lay right down, he lays next to you and hugs you. He then kisses you on the forehead and whispers "goodnight baby girl." Then you both go to sleep.

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