Midnight yelling match

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chapter one

Kurt lay in his bed, trying to sleep. His pillows salty and damp from his silent crying. Try as he might he couldn't sleep. His heart ached. This must be what a broken heart feels like, he thought to himself. He rolled over, opening his dry eyes 1:53 am the digital clock read. Kurt felt the other side of the bed dip. Blaine must be awake.

Kurt really did not want to talk to him. His mind was swirling like he had gone on a roller coaster, bits and pieces of the night before flashed in his head. Blaine singing the originally up beat Katy Perry song mournfully beautiful, the first song Kurt had ever heard Blaine sing the first day they met. Blaine telling him that he was with someone else. Kurt yelling at Blaine. Both of them crying. Neither of them speaking for the rest of the night.

A sigh came from the opposite side of the bed. Kurt's back was to him but he knew what he was doing; sitting on the side of the bed, his elbows on his knees and his fingers in his gel free hair. The bed shifted again, Blaine was probably looking at Kurt.

"I'm sorry." Blaine whimpers, Kurt's heart was aching again. Does he know I'm awake? "I know that I made a mistake." Another sigh "Kurt, please talk to me." He does. Kurt internally groaned before sitting up.

"I know that you're sorry, Blaine." Kurt's voice was shaking no matter how hard he tried to keep it even. "There's no use in you saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again." His voice grew hard and deep, almost a whisper.

"Kurt..." Blaine's voice was full of sadness and guilt. The bed shifted again, Blaine was now facing Kurt's back sitting on his knees. "I messed up." He sighed "I knew. Right after it happened I knew," Blaine stopped to take in a shaky breath "I knew I did something terrible, something that would change us."

"You don't know half of it." Kurt turned to Blaine, Kurt's eyes wanted to cry but he didn't have any tears left to shed. "This changes everything!" Kurt whisper-shouts threw gritted teeth. He really didn't want to wake his step-brother and roommate.

Blaine opens his mouth to say something, his chocolate eyes searching Kurt's blue-grey eyes. He could always read him like a book. Kurt looks away, avoiding his gaze. Blaine closes his mouth and looks down at the bed spread.

"You cheated." Kurt's ears wear pink with anger and his heart was weeping.

"I am not proud of what I did."

"How could you?!" He yelled, not caring about waking Rachel and Finn anymore. Kurt didn't know where this anger came from but he was seeing red and couldn't stop himself. "You knew what it meant to do that! You knew it would hurt me! Us! You knew all that but you still did it!"

Blaine started to cry. Kurt's chest was heaving like he had just ran a 200m dash. His emotions were everywhere. Somehow he was standing up at the end of the bed. How did I get here?

"I felt lonely. I felt that you were moving on without me. You are becoming the star I always knew you'd be, I always thought I'd be here with you." Blaine was using the back of his sleeve to wipe away his tears that were flowing from his eyes.

"You don't think I've been lonely? You don't think I've had temptations? I didn't act on them. I knew what it meant!" Kurt was crying now, he didn't know where the tears came from, he was certain he had cried all the tears he had. He sat on the edge of the bed, tears falling on his beautiful flea market rug.

"Look, I screwed up! I know that! Doesn't it mean something that I told you? I could've denied it and not tell you." Blaine was now standing now. He was angry. "I almost didn't! I didn't want to hurt you, I guess I shouldn't have!" Blaine was shouting really loud. How on earth are Rachel and Finn sleeping? Kurt thought to himself.

"You telling me is not the point, Blaine! You doing it is!"

"It would have been better if I didn't tell you . We wouldn't be yelling about it right now. We would still be happy." Blaine sighed and slumped on the bed.

"No." Kurt grabbed a pillow from his bed "I would have found out sooner or later. It's better sooner." With that he left the room to sleep on the couch.

Hi. This is kind of a sad story [sorry for the tear-jerking beginning, I was almost crying]. I was eating cereal for dinner watching scary movies for no reason and I started thinking, What if Klaine didn't get back together? What was the night of the break up like? Interesting. And then I decide to write, while I was watching a scary movie and eating cereal. I'm so cool! [not really] Please Vote and like, or don't, it's up to you.

[I'm only 13 so don't get mad about any spelling mistakes and such]
[Im no longer 13, I'm now 14 so, if there are any spelling errors you can get a tiny bit mad... Jk)

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