Zephyr's Creation

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Zephyr loved his lab. Sure, it was hot, foul-smelling, dirty, and small, but he loved it just the same. His lab held his hopes and his dreams behind rusty doors, begging to release them. And those dreams played a vital part in the Gaia Nui civil war. But to truly understand, we must travel back in time, when Zephyr designed his people's salvation: The Exo-Suit.

Zephyr laid down a couple of rusty poles on the floor of his lab. It had been a month since he had started collecting pieces of scrap metal from the junkyard in hopes of achieving something great. And that achievement came in the form of a worn-down suit. As Zephyr started up aforementioned suit, gears whirred, creating a clanking sound only an engineer could love. But Zephyr was one such engineer.

A yellow light pulsated from the exo-suit's power core. The machine was online and ready to rumble. But just as the suit became fully operational, it emitted a shrill noise that nearly shorted out Zephyr's auditory units. All of the windows in the lab immediately shattered, the shards of glass hitting the ground simultaneously.

"Well," Zephyr said, "Looks like it's time to work out the kinks."

He climbed into the suit's open cockpit, pressing his hand onto a glass panel on the side.

"User GODLIKEMUSCLES successfully found in database." a robotic voice said.

"OK. User recognition, check." said Zephyr with a chuckle.

Zephyr moved the suit's arms around clumsily as he struggled to get a grip on the controls. He spun the hips around, accidentally ripping a massive hole in the wall with the flailing arms. He tested the finger articulation by grabbing a steel rod off the lab's floor.

"Upper body movements, check!"

The suit walked towards the lab door slowly as Zephyr eased the controls forwards. Its feet left small dents in the lab's floor as it walked.

"Lower body movements, check!"

Zephyr carefully nudged the controls farther and farther forwards until the suit was running towards the door. In mere seconds, the suit crashed through the door, causing a loud explosion. He gazed out at the onlookers in the town square.

"People of West Gaia Nui, this is your salvation! The ultimate weapon of war is here!

Bionicle: Gaia ChronicleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang