Love at First Tap

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It was just another regular, sunny day in the city of Monterrey. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, that kind of deal. 

Kangin roamed around the streets, looking for a good spot to set up his fruit stand. He didn't really know how a Korean man like himself  (among other Koreans) ended up in Mexico, but no one ever questioned it. 

Anyway, Kangin had always been an honest, hardworking man. He enjoyed his job, providing natural sweets for the small neighborhood. He sold everything from apples to kiwis to jicama to anything everyone's little Mexican heart desired. 

He grew the fruits himself, in the small land behind his house, or backyard as some would call it. 

This summer had been quite a difficult one. It hadn't rained much, making it very hard for him to grow fruits, if any at all. The ones that did weren't ripe enough for him to sell. Times were rough in the poor man's wallet. He was a man of expensive taste, and the income wasn't going to cover the trip to the salon so that he could redo his roots. 

Everyone knew walking around with blond hair with visible roots was a big N O in Monterrey. 

Although it was hard to grow the fruits, he had quite the luck with growing watermelons. Watermelons were in season, and would sell out fast, given the chance.  

Kangin was more than ecstatic when he saw them growing so quickly, and ripening perfectly in time for the weekend sales. He practically fell in love with one.

Seriously, no exaggeration, the man fall in love with a watermelon. Now before anyone jumps to conclusions, every love story is special, his was not to be left out. 

Precisely a week before the weekend sale, he saw the biggest, greenest, most beautiful watermelon he had ever seen. And this man had seen a lot of fucking watermelons in his time (probably more than 400). 

"Oh Dios mio," he gasped as soon as his eyes landed on the gorgeous treasure. 

He knelt down next to it, to further examine his finding. He tapped it, to hear the most endearing sound-  it was a full sound, more tenor than bass. Not dull nor deep, or anything that any average unripe watermelon had to offer. That one was the real deal

"It can't be," Kangin lifted it carefully in his hands. "You're heavy, you must be juicy, and your juices must be amazingly sweet." 

His voice trembled with every word, it was just all too much for him to take in. It was love at first tap

"You're the perfect watermelon," he whimpered, pulling the watermelon into his chest. "You're're the one." 

*quick montage of Kangin spinning around with the watermelon, having a candle lit dinner with the watermelon, spoon feeding the watermelon refried beans, having the best of times with the watermelon day and night* 

**song suggestion for intesified montage: The Temptations - My Girl 

"Today's the day, honey, the big sale," Kangin beamed. "We're going to be rich, I will buy you the finest things, and I will touch up my roots." 

After a few minutes his stand had been set up, and boy was it a good day! Sales were through the roof! He sold about twenty watermelons that day, 100 pesos each. With that alone, he had enough to cover his expenses. 

He had never been happier. All in the course of one week he had not only found the true love of his life, but he had become a richer man. Life was good. 

It was time for him to head home. It had been a long, productive day, and he couldn't be more excited to head home and spend some quality time with his precious one. 

He held on to it carefully, like he'd always had, and began to comfortably walk back home. His eyes admired the clear blue skies, taking in all the beauty in the world. 

Then, all of a sudden, WHAM!

Some careless hooligan ran into him, causing the love of his life to slip out of his hands, and on to the cold, card ground. 

His heart stopped, he had forgotten how to breathe. Just before his eyes, the watermelon had crashed in to many pieces, it's vibrant red insides, splattered everywhere.

The man fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. 

"Why me?!?! WHY ME!!!?!" he shouted to the cruel world.

He punched the ground time and time again, and after gaining the strength, he began to recollect the pieces of what were once the world to him. 

His life would never be the same. No other watermelon could ever replace the hole left in his heart, his soul, his whole being. 

After that day, Kangin was never the same.  He became rough, tough, and his brown roots were always retouched. 

Love at First Tap (A KangDIa One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now