Mother's Love

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Diana's consciousness came to slowly at first, then all at once as she bolted up from her nap. She shook her head, silently chiding herself for falling asleep yet again at her table in the library.

This was the fourth night in a row. What was wrong with her?

Diana knew the answer though, as she looked through the window to her side and sought for Venus in the night sky. But fruitless was her search, so she sighed and picked up her quill again. She had slowed enough on this project in the past few days.

Spread before her were several tomes, manuscripts, and her own handwritten notes. The only source of light was a single candle - the wax nearly half melted - and the dim blue moon. Tall bookshelves surrounded her. She was alone - as she typically was most nights - until she the sound of muffled footsteps padding towards her area.

Diana tensed instinctively. Was another dedicated student seeking out the library at who-knows-when in the morning? Possibly, but unlikely given how often she was here.

"Ugh, why is it so cold!" A voice muttered. It was a familiar one. Then the person finally rounded the corner.

"Oh, Diana! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised seeing you here."

It was only Ursula. Diana released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Good evening, Professor," Diana said quietly, turning in her seat to greet her teacher. Ursula wore a red tracksuit and carried a stack of papers in her arms. "Please don't mind me. I'm merely doing some personal research."

"Not at all. Mind if I join you?" Ursula set her papers and down and took a seat beside Diana. She gave a sheepish laugh. "Somehow I found myself behind on all these assignments I need to grade."

"It's hard work being a teacher."

"You must work just as hard as I do, Diana, perhaps more. What are you researching, if you don't mind my asking?"

"I am trying to recollect the vast history of the Cavendish's knowledge of medicinal magic."

Diana shuffled through her papers as she spoke. Most of them came directly from the archives of the Cavendish estate - the ones that were not ruined and lying sodden on the ground at least.

"So much has been lost or thrown away, partly because of the advance of modern science, but also because the former decline in magic has made the powerful spells of the past simply infeasible."

"I see! But now that Yggdrasil is revived..."

"Exactly, and if I can reclaim the lost art of my family, I can restore the Cavendish name."

"That's amazing, Diana." Ursula gave a smile. "I'm so proud of you."

Suddenly Diana felt an unusual clench in her chest. "Th-thank you... Professor."

It must have shown on her face too, because Ursula immediately started to apologize.

"Ah, sorry, maybe that was weird of me to say!" Ursula laughed nervously. "I mean, you've only started after all, and-"

"No, it's fine! I'm sorry, it just... surprised me, I suppose." Diana cleared her throat. "In any case, these ancient spells are... certainly difficult to decipher. Lately I've been having a lot of trouble..."

"I'm sure if anyone can do it, it's you. Don't be afraid to ask me for help either. They didn't just give me this title of professor for free."

Diana hummed in agreement. She appreciated the support. It would be foolish of her to refuse such a generous offer. But for now, she figured she should let Ursula take care of her own task first.

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