Against The Lockers (One Shot)

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Lauren's POV

I was leaning my back on my locker, my friends right in front of me. They were babbling and babbling about who they' d fucked in the weekend and I swear I was trying to pay attention... but it was hard when Camila Cabello was right across the hall.

There was a gap between my circle of friends that allowed me to perfectly see Camila. I could only see her back while she shuffled some stuff in her locker. I wasn't complaining though. Her ass in that cheerleader skirt... damn. I'm gayer than I thought.

Suddenly, an idea grew inside my head.

The bell rang and I straightened myself. I looked around and saw everybody closing their lockers and leaving to their respective classes.

"Uhm... guys, go ahead. I have to do something first." I said, quickly walking around them to avoid any questions. I gripped harder on the books I was holding with excitation to what I was about to do. I followed Camila's steps on every corridor she would turn. Then it crossed my mind that she was going to the football field to train her cheerleading skills. Once she gets there's nothing else I can do.

I brushed past her and quickened my pace. I powerwalked to the field's direction and stopped a few steps before the door that led to the outside. I carefully walked to the corner of the corridor and peeked on the hall at my left. Everyone was already in class and I could see the Cabello girl walking my way, all one. I didn't have to pull my head back because she was clumsily walking while reading some paper in her hands.

A smirked played on my lips as I thought about what was about happened. I pulled back and pressed my back against the wall. Once I heard her footsteps coming closer I stepped ahead and her front bumped hard against mine, making the paper she was holding flutter to the floor.

"Shit!" She hissed, kneeling down to get the paper.. "I'm so so..." She trailed off when she looked up and saw me. "Ugh, it's you."

I smirked. "Don't bother to get up. I like to be on top."

She scoffed and got up. "You're disgusting."

"You say this now... but after I fuck you, you're gonna say different." I said, running my fingertips up her arm.

She yanked her arm away from me and went to walk past me between the locker and I, but I pressed my palm against the locker, not letting her pass through.


"Look... I have a boyfriend. A-and even if I didn't..." She stuttered when I she saw me eyeing her up and down. "I wouldn't want to make love with you."

A loud laugh erupted from my lips. "Make love?!" Her cheeks blushed furiously as I said that. I then dropped all the books I was holding. "You're such a prude..." I pushed her against the lockers and pressed my body against hers "I like it..." I whispered in her ear, before biting on her earlobe and slowly releasing it.

She gasped and I felt her breathing get raspier. I smirked and pulled my face back, I looked her straight in her eyes and they were wide open and shiny. I'm getting to her, I thought. I grinded my hips on her and her hands instantly grabbed on my shoulders as her mouth opened in a mute moan.

"Do you want me fuck you?" I whispered. "Right here in the corridor?" I asked, leaning in and softly kissing her jawline. "Against the lockers?" I continued kissing down jawline until I got to her neck. I felt her fingers digging deeper on my shoulder blades and I pressed open mouthed kisses under her earlobe. I swear, I swear I heard a soft moan leave her lips. But then she pushed hard on my shoulders, making me step back.

"N- no. I-I don't want you to f-fuck m-"

"Oh really?" I asked. I spun her around and harshly shoved her against the lockers, instantly pressing my front against her back. Her huge ass fit in my crotch perfectly and I had to fight back a moan. She couldn't know the effect she was having on me. I slipped my arms around her waist and caressed her body down till I reached her thighs. My right hand crept under her skirt and stroked her center through the thin material of her panties. "...'cause your panties say something else."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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