Football? (Nash Imagine)

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"Heads up!"

You hear your neighbor, Cam, call from the other side of your backyard. You didn't particularly like Cameron, but your moms were practically inseperable, living next door to each other and working in the same building. So they both just assumed that you both liked each other. It's not that you hated each other. It's just that you weren't in the same crowd.

Now Cam had invited all the other neighborhood boys and they were playing football in your usually-tranquilizingly calm backyard. Nash, Cam, Matt, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, and Nash's little brother Hayes (who, in your opinion, was like a clone of his older brother, but they were both adorable, of course).

You looked up from your book just in time to see the football heading straight toward you!

You dropped your book and caught the stray pigskin and scowled at Cam. "You


A chorus of 'Ooh, Cam's in trouble!'s came from the other boys.

Cam rushing over. He scratched the back of his neck, his face not just red from playing the game too hard but from embarrassment. "Uh, sorry (Y/N). I guess I threw a little too hard."

"You think so?" You roll your eyes and toss the ball back to him. His cocoa brown eyes lit up.

"Hey, do you wanna play?"

Your jaw dropped. You? Play football?

"Umm, no thank-" you begin awkwardly, but Cameron interrupts you.

"It's fun! C'mon." He reassures you, tugging on your sweater sleeve. You grimace but finally nod. "Yay! Okay, you know how to play, right?"

You roll your eyes and start walking down the field. "I wasn't born yesterday!" You call back at him. But the truth was, you knew nothing about football.

You whispered to Nash, who was positioned beside you, "Umm, I might be a little rusty. Tell me again how you play this game?" you say sheepishly. Nash smiles a little.

"No worries. I got you." He stands up out if his position and cups his hands over his mouth and yells,

"Time out!"

All of the boys gathered in a confused clump in the middle of the yard-no, you will not call it a field.

"Why don't we play.. Catch, instead? I'm getting kind of tired." Nash winks at you. You blush. The boys all seem to agree without arguing, but then Matt has to suggest,

"Hey! There's no adults here.. Why don't we invite the other guys and some.. Girls, and play truth or dare?" He raises and eyebrow at the word "girls". Oh, yuck.

Cam pleads at you with his eyes. "Can we, (Y/N), can we please!"

You stifle a shake of your head after you hesitate and nod. "But only a few people. My parents don't like it when -"

"Yay!" The boys all cheer in unison and tackle you. You crumple to the ground and laugh. You open your eyes a peak and are instantly met with an icy blue gaze. Nash is hovering above you. You try to hide the pink forming at your cheeks, but fail.

"Well, hello." You giggle.

"Hi..." He whispers. I hear a bing and look away from Nash.

Matt is recording us.

"You little-ugh!" Nash spits at him furiously. You blush even more and squirm out from between his arms. But he lightly presses you down with one hand.

"Truth or Dare, (Y/N)?" He whispers. You stare at him, bewildered. Then smirk.


"I dare you..." His blue gaze flickers from playfulness to seriousness. "To tell me your favorite. Of us guys."

Your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.


"Is it... Me?" He murmurs.

You give in. "Yeah." You look away, not able to stare at his electrifying eyes anymore.

"Good." He pressed a kiss on your forehead and rolls onto his back on the grass.

You hear snickers coming from the others boys. You look up.

They're all recording you two.

You smirk.

"I should play football more often."


First imagine! What did you think? Comment ya thoughts on the imagine and chicken strips.

I mean, the book XD



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