Chapter 1: School

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I woke up with a loud yawn, I'd once again gotten a weird dream.. something about Purple eyes. Not the first time this week..
I climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom, which was through a pale-blue door next to my bed. I did my buisness, then brushed my teeth-the front one cracked from a fight I'd been in the other day.
'Melany, get dressed! Your breakfast is in the kitchen!' My mother called from downstairs.
'Yes, mum, one second!' I yelled back, spitting out then last of my toothpaste and walking back into my room. I looked in my closet for some clothes.
I decided on some skinny jeans, a white-long sleaved shirt, and a black hoodie with 'Lets go Diamonds' written in turquoise on the back-the name of the schools cheerleading squad.
I was just the weirdo, the one with a small group of friends who normally stood away from drama. God, I'm tired of drama..

Zoe- The first friend I made, she's Funny, a little strange, and of course- she's ginger.
And then there's Eden- Hilarious and a little strange, but one of my greatest friends nonetheless.

Last but of course not least, Holly- A FNAF and DDLC fanatic, also hilarious-but a strange taste in music.

'Melany, come on! Your pancakes are going cold!' My mother yelled, once again, from downstairs.
'Yes, mum, I'm coming!'
And with one final look at my room, I ran downstairs. The smell of fresh pancakes was overwhelming.
'Wow, this smells amazing!' I said to my mother, who was sat down with her own tower of pancakes-which were drowning in syrup. She was a short woman, with long aàbnormally red hair-not bleached or dyed-somehow it was her natural colour.. I'd always thought of it as peculiar. She was wearing a soft-yellow sweater and some leggings.
'Thank you, Mel.' My mother said, a warm smile on her face.
I sat down, digging into the tower before me-but not before, as my mother had, drowning my pancakes in syrup.
My mother let out a little giggle, watching me with a small smirk on her face.
I stuck my tounge out at her, grabbing another fork-full of pancake and eating it.
I absently checked the time,


I frowned, 'Time flew..' I ate the last of my pancakes, then stood up. I walked over to the hallway, shoving on some plain black boots and grabbing my galaxy-printed backpack, with Mel printed on the back in bold white lettering. 'Thanks for the pancakes, mum!' I walked out of the door, to find that it was snowing-big white snowflakes landed in my hair. I smiled, It hadn't snowed here in years. I walked the long winding path to school, admiring the beauty of the snow as it winded and twisted through the forest the path led through.

It was 8:30am when I arrived at school, my friends there to greet me at the huge-white gates. 'Hey.' I said, lifting a hand at them.
'You're here later than you normally are.' Holly said, frowning. 'You alright?'
'Yeah...? Why wouldn't I be? We're finally leaving this trash hole in 2 weeks.' I clarified, which was true.
'I'll miss Mr. Thomas though..' Zoe muttered from beside Holly, frowning and staring at the floor.
I rolled my eyes, 'No more Fox though, the only teacher I really hate.'
'I don't think there's a single person in this school who likes her.' Eden chuckled, looking up from her phone to grin at me.
'Touché, Eden, Touché.' I smiled, then winced as the way-too-loud bell went off. 'See you guys in French class.' I said, walking towards the 3rd stairway entrance.

While I walked to my Art class, I was thinking about my birthday, which was tommorow, funnily enough-nobody had brought it up.
'Melany? Melany Harper?' A voice said, then I realized it was my Teacher. A few students in my class were smirking and whispering to eachother, looking at me. I was stood right outside the class, my hand on my neck.
I looked up at her, and she frowned at me. 'Are you alright? Good, now come and sit down.' I walked into the class, I didn't remember arriving here..
I shrugged it off, I probably just wasn't getting enough sleep.
I sat down at my desk, glaring at the people still staring at me. None of my friends were in this class, stupid time tables. I tuned the teacher off as she babbled on and on about the exams coming up. I was good enough at art, I didn't need help.
I wonder if everyone forgot about my birthday, no wonder they hadn't brought it up.. I should be used to this, it's happened before..
The sharp screech of the bell brought me out of my trance, time for French. I began packing away.. nothing. I hadn't unpacked anything. Wonder how the teacher hadn't caught me. I slung my bag over my shoulder, walking out of the class when my row was dismissed.
I began walking to my next class, when I heard a certain bitch call my 'name' from behind me. 'Hey, Lesbo!' She called, but kept walking.
Not today Nyx. No drama.
'Come here, you cøw!' Nyx called again, and I finally turned to her.
'Yes, Barbie?' I asked the girl, she looked like a human Barbie doll. The perfect body, and of course, she was blonde. She wore way too much lipstick and blush, and her eyelashes were so thick you could hardly see her eyes through them.
'You forgot your phone in class, your password is so easy to guess!' Nyx grinned at me, and my eyes widened.
'Give me my fucking phone!' I growled, putting my hand out.
'Not so fast, Lesbo, I need a favour.' She put the phone, my phone, back in her pocket.
'What? Did you misplace your lipstick collection? It's probably up your stuck-up ass somewhere-' I was cut off.
'Shut it! Or your phone will go down the toilet!' She huffed, 'I want you to-'
'Hey! What's going on here!?' Oh thank God. Zoe was running towards us, a frown on her face.
'Hey, Z. Nyx has my phone.' I explained, glaring at her.
'I'll tell Mr. Thomas.' Zoe said, frowning still. Mr. Thomas is our favourite teacher, nicknamed as 'Thomas the tank engine.'
'Fine, here's your phone.' Nyx brought the phone out of her pocket, but before I could grab it, she dropped it on the floor and stomped on it with her heel countless times. I was frozen in shock, I probably looked like an idiot- my jaw dropped down and just standing there. Zoe pushed Nyx away, making Nyx stumble then fall flat on her butt. I picked up my shattered phone, and placed it in my pocket.
'Let's go to class.' I muttered, walking to the staircase for the top floor. Zoe trailed behind me, leaving Nyx there helpless on the ground.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of 'The amethyst curse' Discounting this part, this is 1180 words.

This took me quite a while, so I hope you enjoyed it.

The next chapter will be out soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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