Maplefall meets Sharpstar

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     Maplefall looked around worriedly, wondering where she was, all around her was just darkness, with outlines of trees and bushes around aswell, and she was standing in a river, it was sticky like mud. Then she heard a voice, "Set on revenge, are we, Maplefall?" it asked, echoing around her. She whipped around, looking for the source, she saw nothing, "Yes..." she trailed off fearfully, "Why does it concern you?" she called back. "I wish to help you achieve such a goal." called the voice of a tom, and he then faded into view, like mist forming into a cat. A brown tom with amber eyes now stood before her. "Who are you?" she asked, looking at him incredulously, like she couldn't believe he just appeared from the mist. "I'm Sharpstar, and I can grant you... anything you want." he said with a chuckle. Maplefall looked at him, her eyes wide and her ears perked, "Anything?" she asked, and the tom nodded. "My memories?" she asked. The tom smiled, "If you wish." he said. Maplefall looked at this strange tom, "Are you StarClan then?" she asked. The tom shook his head, "This is better than StarClan, dear." he said. She looked around, "Stronger?" she inquired, "By popular opinion around here, yes." he said. Maplefall shook her head, she was getting distracted in a chat with this tom. "My memories?" she brought the subject back up. The tom nodded, "It comes at a price." he said, "A deal, if you will." he elaborated. She looked at him, "What are the terms?" she inquired. The tom smirked, he knew he was going to win over this simple-minded Medicine Cat, "Simple." he said, "You pledge your loyalty to me." he said, "And I give you your memories." she then remembered who this tom was, what he had done, she was in the Dark Forest, this tom was about to use her for power in the waking world, but she didn't care, she wanted to remember herself, "Okay!" she said without hesitation, making Sharpstar smirk, "Just like Ravenwing." he said. Maplefall looked intrigued, "You made a deal with him?" she asked, "Yes." the tom responded, "I made him promise loyalty too, I just don't use him that often." he answered, emphasis on use. Maplefall nodded, she hadn't known of this, "What were the terms you gave him?" she asked curiously, Sharpstar smiled, "I won't kill his mate." he said, "And by kill his mate, I mean order my other pawns to do it." he said. Maplefall nodded, "They're waking you up." he said, "Now, remember our deal, okay?" he asked. Maplefall nodded, "Of course." she said and then saw a smirk on his face, "Oh, and kill Robinstar to prove it." he said, his words barely reaching her as she woke back up, startled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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