Before we got together

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I honestly don't even know how to start this because I have so many thoughts, memories, and goals for the future going through my head as I type this. I'll start with my earliest memories. At the time, I was with De'Andre, who was a complete ass I might add. Him and I were together for about 8 months. He convinced me a week into the relationship to make a couples account because he thought it would be cute. You would think I would be the one to want all of this but no. I was still upset about my ex before him at the time and quite frankly I wasn't even IN love with Draye. De'Andre messaged me on Instagram flirting with me, telling me how gorgeous I was. We exchanged Snapchats and later that night actually we exchanged numbers and fell asleep on the phone, spending the night getting to know each other. I'm surprised we even had anything in common. He had no respect for me and cheated on me quite a lot. We were in a long distance relationship so that didn't help. He didn't pay attention to me. He was too busy playing video games and being in other calls with friends and other girls. The "sexy" calls and texts were the only thing that appealed to him. He always asked for pictures of my tits and I kept turning him down because I already knew at that point he was still talking to his exes and a few other bitches. De'Andre hooked up his Facebook Messenger to our couple account. Surprisingly, it let me sign right in. Right after my name... there were so many females right after it. I scrolled through every message, looked at every photo and video sent. As soon as I got home from school, I blew his phone up and eventually hung up on him after giving him hell. Of course I cried, I trusted the dude. His words were always very convincing. Now back to how the love of my life came to be... I remember the first time I saw you. You had longer bangs dyed red, wearing a red plaid shirt and black jeans. I shouldn't have looked at you the way I did because I was with idiot at the time but I didn't care. I asked my best friend at the time, Makayla, if she knew you. You always wore a trench coat and had your Beats headphones on. I had no idea who you were. I wanted to. Your hair always stuck up because of your headphones and it drove me INSANE. I just wanted to shave it all off but I loved your hair. I still love it even though I have to fix it every time I'm with you. We started being...acquaintances. I remember Lexi giving you a ciggy at the bus stop and I was surprised you smoked it. I didn't take you as the kind to smoke but even I did on occasions. Bad habit but is an excellent stress reliever. I don't remember what I said to you about it. I'm sure you do and I might ask you about it someday. You never smiled on the bus and I never really seen you in school. I wanted to be your reason to smile. "Smile Deja." Watching you smile is heavenly. Even if it was because you were triggered or actually smiling at me. That's what it took for you to start sitting closer to me and eventually you did sit with me and I was being a meanie. I said something along the lines of, "there are plenty of open seats." and you stayed. Good. You told me you were bisexual and I said I was too. Clearly we were both bullshitters. You told me black people used chicken grease as moisturizer and no I did not believe you but your dumb ass kept trying to convince me that this was true. I was still with Draye during this so I asked him and you just wouldn't stop laughing at me. I knew it wasn't true. De'Andre even thought I was a dumb ass. You sat in the the seat in front of me. You asked to see a picture of him and you judged him but I mean what are ya gonna do? A couple weeks went by. We were waiting for the bus, you told me you couldn't believe that I asked my boyfriend if black people used chicken grease as moisturizer. I'm going to kick your ass for that one day... but anyways, you brought it up and the only word I could get out was "ex". De'Andre and I broke up. I wasn't putting up with his shit anymore. Me and him are still friends now and you'll never have to worry about it. We just bullshit about life. When I told you we broke up, it seems like you were a whole new person. You sat with me on the bus. You asked if I was still bisexual. I told you yes. You said, "give me your phone." "Why?" "Shut up. I'm putting my number in it." You put your number in it and when I started typing your name for the contact, jeez oh man you were already triggered because I spelled Deja wrong but it was peachy keen. The roller coaster was only just beginning bunny.

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