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This is my first published story, so you might find a lot of loopholes and pointless plots >.< Feel free to point them out and I'll try my best to get to them. Read on and don't forget to rate and comment ^_^


So there I was in a forest full of tall redwood trees. The serene sound of nature surrounded me. It was like in the movies, where the hero of the story rests a peaceful night before he goes off to slay the monsters of the distant darkness. I could just lie down there forever, forgetting all the problems that the heavens have plagued me with. Then suddenly, everything was completely black. The trees, the nature, everything was gone. Just like that, I was in another world. A world filled with nothing. It only meant one thing. A prank.

“Come on guys, cut it out. You’ve done this a million times already, it’s not going to work with me again,” I said, waking up from my dream.

In my room, stood a boy and a girl in casual outfits. The boy, who was about 5’7” in height, wore a neon yellow shirt with long gray sleeves. He had messy dark brown hair and his gray eyes shone wildly in the dark. The girl, who was just slightly shorter than the boy by a centimeter or two, wore a neon green shirt under a black tattered sleeveless shirt. She had her long hair ponytailed and her eyes were like the boy’s, gray and stony, yet so sparkly. They were smiling, showing off their inhumanly white teeth. The boy had his arm around the girl’s shoulders, and the girl covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

“You do know I’ve overcome my fear of the darkness ever since that last trick you played on me,” I told them.

The girl hid her face and giggled. “You should’ve seen your face while you were sleeping,” she answered.

I shrugged. I admit, even though I’ve technically overcome my fear of dark places, I still find them kind of creepy. “For a pair of Shadows, you two are so bright,” I said, pointing at their outfits.

The boy winked at me, then said, “You know what they say, where there’s light, there are shadows.”

I faked a smile and got up from bed. I looked at the clock beside my bed and it read 2:37 AM. Earlier than the usual time my two friends would visit me. I stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes. Then I looked back at the duo that was standing at the foot of my bed.

“What is it this time?” I asked them, followed by a yawn.

“A full moon will show about an hour from now,” the boy said.

“Zach and I need to go to the hilltop for the ritual,” the girl continued.

“And we all know the rules. Mi-“

“You and Mirr can’t go to the hilltop at night without anyone casting you. You don’t have to mention that all the time,” I finished.

Mirr and Zach both yawned mockingly at the same time. I was more amazed than annoyed though. Amazed, because they managed to do that without even whispering with each other. Then again, Shadows tend to speak through their minds. Typical supernatural stuff.

“Well, then, what are you waiting for?” they said in unison, pulling away the blanket that covered my legs. A chilling wind breezed as soon as my legs were bare. The hair on my arms suddenly stood on its ends and goosebumps crept through my whole body. Signs that meant Shadows were near. This is supposedly where people got the idea of those things meaning that a ghost was near. Shadows are invisible to human. Not literally though. They just looked human in almost all ways that you practically can’t tell if they’re mortal or not. They can be literally invisible, but not totally. Something has to remain visible, otherwise they’d be disobeying their law, and it turns out Shadows take their law pretty seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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