Chapter 1: The First Day

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     As those of you that don't know I'm Rebecca Johnson, but my friends call me bec.I move around a lot and my mom says this is our last move but it never is. I have a poor attitude about the whole situation. My mom doesn't really like it but it's whatever.
   I honestly hate moving schools it's so hard to make new friends everywhere we go. Right now I have friends everywhere basically. I say basically because I've met so many people around the United States. I'm kinda surprised that we haven't went International.
Which I'm not here to blab about myself .
On my first day to a new school I woke up late. Not surprising coming from me.
We get to my school and go to the office. In the office there our printers and papers and 3 people on phones and a student waiting for the principal.Wow, this is going to be fun.
"Well I have to go honey. They'll get you all situated and call you up to figure out your schedule."said mom.
"Ok, love you see you later then."
"Oh, and one more thing your riding the bus, their going to tell you your bus number when they call you up" said mom.
   I sat down next to the boy that looked in trouble. He looked at me puzzled like he had seen me before but wasn't to sure.
  "Hello, I'm Rebecca"
"And I care why"
"Oh, lemme guess your the dark mystery type that gets in trouble to prove something to yourself because your parents are never around."
"How you know that, you do a background check on me or something."
"Yes, I've been stocking you for months... Nah I can just tell your wearing all black your waiting here for something other then summer break. And the only reason why I introduced myself was because you were looking at me funny."
"Well Rebecca your really good at reading people, because your right about everything except I'm not wearing all black my socks are white"
"Oh wow, so what's your name?"
" My name is "BATMAN" student by day hero by night..."
"I'm sorry to say but your full of shit my dude"
"Okay, you got me my real name is..."
"Brad come on up"
"Your name is Brad that's amazing"
As I sat there alone I thought to myself . Maybe he wasn't  as edgy as he seems. Maybe he just wanted someone to care to be there for him. I need to get to know him better.
  As he comes out he says "I have to tour you around school"
Umm... this is a perfect opportunity.
" Is that a bad thing?"
"No, I guess not, and yes my name is Brad, Brad Gutierrez"
"Well it's nice you met you Brad, Brad Gutierrez I'm Rebecca, Rebecca Johnson I just moved here."
(Shakes hands)
Rebecca Johnson plz come up
"Well that's my cue"
" I'll sit here and wait"
I go up to the lady and she says " What were you in, in your last school like band,art,anything like that."
"Umm... I was in art,and photography."
"You only had two electives?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Well here we give you 4, how bout we put you in as a TA, and band have you ever played a instruments?"
"Yes, I do actually I play clarinet."...

             *Brad's point of view*
       I wasn't expecting to met someone who could read me today. It's like she's known me forever,and I've only known her for for a minute.Which I have so that's ok. I think she liked my jacket but I'm not to sure. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes the color black.
      It seems like there's more to the story and she's keeping quite. Should I get close to her. Or should I just leave it alone and see how it plays out? I need to get to know her more. She seems intresting and mysterious.
Here she comes act normal.
"Hey so did you get your schuldue figured out?"
"Ya I guess so.."
"What's wrong?"
"It would be a lot easier if I had friends here."
"Don't cry it's going to be okay I'm here for you."
"Your only here until you get expelled and then I won't have no one."
" umm... I guess your right.but let me see your schuldue, Whoa.."
"We have the same classes, so I'll see you all day today and tomorrow."
"Lets go to class shall we?"
"Ya let's go to class"

*Rebecca's point of view*

Why does it seem like his up to something. His being nice. But if I'm being honest his smile is trapping me in. I'm I falling for him maybe, maybe not. I also love his jacket like I wish I had one.
As we walked into class one of his friends yell "WHO'S THE GIRL!"
"You act like I'm a object you can put on display! And I don't think so, so honey keep your trap shut please and thank you."

*Brad's point of view*

I stand there shocked. Like she really just told them off and she don't even know them. You can tell she don't take people's shit so I better be careful with this one. She trusts me right now and I don't need world war III to happen because I made her mad. Does she have a boyfriend. I just want to know it's not like I'm slowly starting to like her so I would do anything to make her happy. Oh no that's not what's happening.
   I wonder how tomorrow is going to go down if she keeps this up...
   As class goes on I notice she is very smart, maybe she would help me out.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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