Chapter 1

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I've been bullied for 6 years by people who I thought where friends.

People who I thought I could trust.

I was wrong.

I don't really have friends. They say they are my friends but do friends ditch you last minute to go hangout with other girls at the mall?

I mean that's happened way to many times to me to count. I usually stay at home watching Smosh and cuddling with my dog Buddy.

I have bad anxiety. Always have and I want therapy for it but I feel like nobody will believe me about how bad it is. So I've never bothered to ask.

I also have the worst acne in the world and it does not help when every single girl around you is a model in making.

I'm homeschooled. So I'm basically the weird kid who has bad acne and wears everything from the 90s.

Let me tell you though I dont. When people first meet me they think I'm semi cool. Then I tell them I'm homeschooled and they decide they don't wanna be caught with the weird homeschooled chick who looks like bees stung her in her face multiple times.

Well both those have changed. I got on a medicine that made my acne go away permanatly hopefully and I also started going to school this year. I'm a sophomore so I was homeschooled my whole life till 9th grade where I did online school which by the way is the worst never do online school. But still I'm bullied at school and people think I'm weird because I was homeschooled so you know.

Lets just say I hate my life at the moment.

I thought things could not get worse.

I was also wrong in that.

I found out we are moving.

I heard my parents taking about it before but I asked them and they said we arnt.

I made them promise me we would never move. At least they couldn't move till I moved out.

Well guess what? My house was not good enough for my parents anymore.

My mom wanted a bigger kitchen and my dad wanted more garage space.

Before I continue this story let me introduce you to my family.

Ill start with my mom. She loves to cook. She makes the best home cooked meals ever and she always makes sure we have a family dinner together. She's half Mexican and I look nothing like you ill tell you that. I got none of the Mexican in me. First off my mom has dark skin with black hair and brown eyes while I look like my dad. I have pale skin and blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Everyone says its dish water blonde but that just sounds disgusting so I just say dirty blonde. Anyways whenever I'm with my mom people think I'm adopted but I'm not and then people see my dad and believe me I'm not.

Next is my dad. I look a lot like my dad. He has the same pale skin and blue eyes and dirty blonde hair although his was lighter then mine. Now its barely there and its graying but if you look back at pictures in his hair days you can see the resemblance. My dad is a race car driver and loves cars. He has a trailer to take his race car in when he goes out to race at the track and then he has his race car, a truck, and a jeep. And then my mom has her car. So basically we where mostly moving so my dad could get more space for his cars which we did not have at this house and the bonus was my mom getting a bigger kitchen.

Next is my brother William. He's 11 years older then me. Basically he has a different dad. My mom had him when she was 18 and then her and his dad later split and she met my dad a few years later. They dated for a king time before marriage so that's why me and William are so far apart. He's half Asian so people get confused when we go out in public together but we have fun with it and tell people he's my body guard and its funny to see there reactions.

Next is my sister. Marie. She's 17 months younger then me so we are pretty close. Yet we look nothing alike. She still has pale skin like my dad but she has super clear skin unlike me. She has dark brown long hair down to her butt and she's a tiny girl. She has freckles and green gray eyes. Its actually kinda cool because one of her eyes is gray and the other is green. We are complete opposites. She loves makeup and dressing up while I hate makeup and stick with my jeans and sweatshirts. A lot of people don't even think we are sisters because we look nothing alike. Marie also does dance and has been on points for almost 4 years. I used to do dance and did it for about 6 years before quitting to do basketball. I don't regret my decision.

So ya that's my family. Back to what I was saying before.

We started looking for houses right arku d the same time a made a really good team for my local middle school. So then I would have to get a boundary exception if I wanted to continue to play for them after we moved. Long story short that didn't happen. I still play just not for a team.

We where not having any luck and I just started feeling worse and worse. It was starting to get near Christmas when we finally found the perfect house.

We would have our last Christmas in this house before moving right after the new year. Lets just say I was excited but nervous.

Me and my family (besides my dad) are members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. Or in other words Mormons. We are converts so the rest of my family besides me my mom sister and brother art Catholic. My dad is atheist though.

In December after we bought the house we went to visit our new ward. Long story short it was great! Everyone was super nice and welcoming and I got excited to move away from the place where I was at.

After meeting these people I realised how badly treated I was. And when I found out I was moving I thought that things with bullying where only gonna get worse so I was scared.

Well that wasn't the case. I still dealt with stuff after I moved but I was much better. My self confidence grew a lot and I evening 20 pounds. Moving was actually one of the best things that happened to me.

And that's why I'm telling this story. I'm telling this story to everyone who thinks that it can't get better. Well let me tell you it can.

I was miserable and scared. That changed all within a few months. And this is the story of how that happened.

This is the story of how things got better for me.

The story of how I met some of the best people in the world who are now my best friends for life.

The story of how my self confidence grew form a 1 to a 10.

And the story of how I met the boy of my dreams.

Sure I went through hardships and trials all through this. But I got through it.

I promise you someone is always there. It may not be right at the beginning but at the end. Its gonna be ok.

Sometimes life may not go the way you want. But when times get rough and life feels like it can go on.

I promise it can. Everything will figure its self out eventually. And when it does.

You will know you have made it.

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