what the hell man

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"A small fire! set a small fire as a distractions...
THAT, IS NOT SMALL!!" Ashton yelled as he points to the giant burning building

"It was small!" I responded

"BEING SMALL FOR A MINUTE DOESNT COUNT !!!" Ashtons face started turning bright red from either his angry or from the heat of the fire,who knows maybe both

"Well Ashton what did you expect when you asked me to come along..."
When you think about it, in actual fact it was his fault. He did invite me.

"DEFINITELY NOT MASS FUCKING MURDER THATS FOR SURE !!!" He looked like he was about to pass out.

"oh come on, you got what you wanted from the factory, its gone now and no harm done, right?"
I don't know why am getting yelled at, I did good

"No there was definitely harm done, like alot..."

"Well yeah okay, it didn't go the way I expected, but atleast nobody important died, I give that a win"
I gave him my brightest smile while being completely from head to top covered in soot.

"It's not" Ashton didnt even crack a smile.

*sigh* oh god

"Come on Ashton..."

"No Ivy it really isn't"


"What now then?" Ashton asked.

"We watch it burn..." I said with an evil glint in my eyes

"WTF IVY" Ashton whiped his head around so fast I thought it would break.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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