Looking after you

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I woke up and just as usual felt you behind me, and as usual my reaction is to smile and push back against you. What wasn't usual was the moan which came from you. Not your usual sound, and not at all happy.

I turn round and instantly see you're sick. Burning up, sweaty and shivering. I stroke your flushed face and pull you to me. "Stay right there" I whisper. As if you're going anywhere. Bath run, essential oils d even though when you're well you're less than a believer, I scoop a handful of drugs from the cupboard downstairs and go back into the room. "Up, bath, come on." The dominant man I am so used to meekly acquiesces and as inappropriate as it is I feel a tingle of excitement flare up between my legs. Interesting.

Leaving you in the bath I head back to our room to strip the sweaty bed. My mind wanders to summer afternoons when the bed got sweaty for much, much more fun reasons. Snapping out of it I grab the laundry and go back downstairs. Stage 3: make a duvet fort for us. Cushions, throws, a duvet all piled up and an old classic lined up on Netflix. I ponder that this is possibly the most domestic I have ever been. Smiling I go and collect the patient.

When I get upstairs you're already putting on the clean PJs I left you out on the bed, I smile at you as you raise an eyebrow at my handiwork in the bedroom. I grab your hand, kiss you and lead you downstairs. Astonishingly you don't put up any resistance. We get downstairs, "you made a CAMP?' you say to me, clearly taken aback. "Sure did, and I've got us a film lined up, get in"

As you do exactly as you're told I notice you might look better than when you woke up but you're still feeling terrible, my heart flutters I just want to make it better. I pop to the kitchen, absurdly pleased with my piece de resistance...hot toddy. I bring you the drink and get rewarded with a lopsided, wan smile "Seriously, babe? Whiskey for breakfast?" "It's medicinal, actually!" I squeal, "an ancient and trusted remedy, get it down you while it's hot". You smile good naturedly and lean into me. This new do as you're told thing is absolutely growing on me.

I sneak a peek down at you, a bit better but tired, needy and totally fucking adorable. There goes that feeling again.

The drink works its magic, I feel you relax and lean into me, I absently mindedly stroke your head, running my fingers through your still damp hair. My hands wander, stroking gently across your shoulders, your neck, the planes and hollows of your chest. "looking for something?" you murmur sleepily. "Just enjoying you, while you're incapacitated" I joke back. "Is it ok?" "of course, more than" Oh. You like it.

I carry on, slowly edging my way down your body hearing your appreciative little moans is having the strongest effect on me, I try and remember you're sick...it doesn't help.

I finally reach your abdomen and get my hands on some skin, just the right amount of hair, fuck me you are perfect I think. You gasp at the skin contact, but it makes you cough and I"m worried you feel like shit and I'm taking advantage of you "are you sure?" I whisper. "Please" you croak. That one word almost makes me come right there and then.

I can't tease you, not in this state. I move my hand down and you move your hips towards me, signalling to me exactly what you want. I take hold of you, brushing across the tip with my thumb, slowly moving my hand up and down your hard cock. I love hearing you moan, feeling you thrust into my hand. I cup your balls with the other hand, stroking and feeling them tighten, hearing your breath catch and become heavier. "yes, yeah, like that, please, don't stop, please don't stop" I take the rhythm up a pace and bend my head to you, licking at the sweat on your neck, nipping at you just like you do to me. I'm rewarded with a deep groan, pleasing. I brush my thumb across the drop of liquid on your cock, and bite down on your neck. Just as I planned it sends you over the edge, you moan and pump your hips into my hand over and over, coming all over my hand and it's so hot. I cover you in kisses then extricate myself to go clean up. You're already drifting off to sleep. You're fucking adorable. 

Because even the dominant get sick sometimesWhere stories live. Discover now