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I get home from my last day of school, forever. I see Brendon's car in the driveway. He must be visiting. I'm happy that he's here because I just had the shittiest day of my fucking life. "Goddammit!" I say louder than I meant. "Do not use the Lords name in vain! Not in this household!" My father yells. I feel tears fill my eyes. I go upstairs and I hear faint music coming from Brendon's old room. I knock on the door. "Brendon can I come in? I need to talk." I speak to him. I hear the music be shut off. "Come on in Parker." I hear him say. I get in his room, close the door, and break down. "Oh Park, what happened sis?" He asks and pulls me into a hug, I cry into his shoulder. "H-hazel ch-cheated on me-e" I say to him. He's the only family member that knows i'm Bi. "What. A. Bitch!" He says sounding mad. "It w-was w-with Lun-na" I tell him. Luna was my best friend. Fake ass bitch. "Awh Park, I'm so sorry! Here, how about I go out and get some ice cream and we can hang out and play video games?" Brendon says. "That sounds great." I say, smiling sadly. He puts his shoes on and hugs me again. "I'll be back. Feel free to play the piano or guitar." He says. He leaves. After a few minutes, I sit down and I play the piano. "Alicia what did I say about playing in Brendon's room when he's not home?" Mother says. I hate when she calls me by my first name. I changed it to Parker when I turned 16. That was 2 years ago. "You know I don't respond to that name, Mom." I say. "Well you better start because you aren't going to be called a boys name in my household." She says. I roll my eyes. I stand up and get out of Brendon's room. "But Alicia isn't my name mom. My name is Parker Grace Urie. Don't you remember? I changed it! I hate the name Alicia." I reminded her. "Well, your birth name is Alicia Parker Grace Urie. And that's what I shall call you." My stubborn guardian speaks.  I groan. I lay on my bed. "Why me." I say to myself. If you are wondering, no, i'm not Trans. I am a Female, I just enjoy the name Parker better than Alicia. I go back into Brendon's room and I build a fort because i feel like it. I hear the front door open. "Parker I'm home!" I hear Brendon yell. He comes into his room. "Oh hell yes." He says and i giggle. He tosses me a spoon and turns on the xbox. "Fortnite?" I ask. He nods. He hands me carton of my favorite flavor of ice cream, Cookie Dough, and then he hands me a controller.
After getting 5 victory royales in duos, Brendon turns to me and looks very serious. "So Parker, I was thinking, since your are always hanging out with me, and since you practically live at my house from how much your over, I was wondering if you wanted to move to my place? I've talked to Sarah about it and she's alright with it." Brendon says to me. "Id love to B! But how are we gonna convince Mom and Dad to let me move in with you?" I ask him. Both of our faces fall. "Fuck. I didn't even think about that." He says sadly. Before we start thinking, Dad calls us downstairs for a family meeting.
"So, the reason I called you guys down here is, your mother and I have decided to limit the amount of time you guys spend together. Alicia is never home, because she's always at Brendon's house or at school, so we decided to limit you to 3 visits a week, counting weekends, and no more than 5 phone calls in the timespan of a month, and that is final." My father speaks. I feel tears swell my eyes and I let them roll down my cheeks.
"After this weekend, your time will be limited." Mother speaks. "I hate you." I try to speak, but the words barely come out. "What was that Alicia?" Father asks. "I hate you." I say with more force. "What? I can't hear you, Alicia!" Mother asks. "I hate you! And I hate the name Alicia! Fucking Jesus Mother Mary What do you not understand! I'm happy when I'm with Brendon!" I yell. My mother and father look shocked. I look at Brendon and he is shocked and angry as well. Shocked, understandable, but why does he look so mad?
"Go in your room. Don't come out until supper." Mother tells me angrily. "Gladly." I tell them. I go back upstairs and I lay on my bed and cry. After a few moments I hear Brendon yelling. I sneak out of my room and listen.

"The kid is clearly depressed here! You put her through so much and she can't do one thing about it!"
"It isn't our fault that she doesn't know how to obey the word of god! She uses his name in vain all the time!"
"There is no god! That's why! She doesn't believe that stupid shit!"
"She does in this household"
"Not anymore! Parker, pack your things. You are coming with me!" Brendon yells up to me. I smile and go back in my room to pack my things.
"Don't obey him Alicia! We'll let you to anything you want!" Father tries to bribe me, but i don't listen and pack my important stuff.
I pack my ukulele, polaroid camera some clothes, and the jacket my grandmother bought before she passed. I also grab all of the money I have to my name and I get ready to leave. I put on my black combat boots and I head downstairs. I look outside to see Brendon smoking a blunt. I head outside. "I'm ready to go." I say. He smiles. "GET ME OUT MY MIND GET MY OUT MY MIND" I yell. He rolls his eyes and puts out his blunt. "What's the occasion?" I ask. "There isn't one. I just like weed." Brendon says and smiles. "Who's drivin'? Sober or Less sober?" I joke. "I'm driving." Brendon says and I get in the car.
Once we reach Brendon's place and I unpack, Brendon calls me downstairs.
"Yeah B?"
"We need to talk."
"Uhm. Okay? Am I in trouble?"
"No. Actually, I am going on tour and I need to know if you will be coming with me?"
"Of course I'll go!"

I sit on the couch and I watch the TV and Brendon texts someone, and then he starts a conversation.

"Hey Park?"
"Yes B"
"Do you wanna help Jake with photography? He wants to get as many pictures as possible and I know you like this kind of stuff."
"Uh, sure? Wait... What's the catch?"
"Well, you'd have to come to all the shows, help record tour recaps, and be a decent person. Oh and you get paid 10 bucks a week."
"Alright. I'm in."
"I'm gonna go hop in the shower."
"Go for it, Park."

And so I take a shower.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I have the books planned out, so be ready!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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