The Selfless

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For the selfless to give
Is to to receive what they've earned

Its to finally be paid
For the lessons they've

When so much is given
That's there's not any left
You'll still be defiant
To the very last breath

Your both selfish and giving
Your a vex to the living
& they're still only vacancies in the holes you've been filling

So you try and you try
But not with all your heart
And you still expect things to turn out how you thought

So you now wish to bring back
the dreams that you've bought

& to be self aware
Is just too hard to bare
So you fight off your discernment and only concern with pretending to care

Remember those times that you fight with your self
And you push off good judgements in spite of yourself

Recall back the moments that when nobody else
Was with you but only
The you you gave self.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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