You have orbs {Destiel}

344 19 8

~ Teenager AU ~

"You're a chicken."

"Am not!"

Sam lent forward, pressing his elbows to the table top, while a smirk tugged at his lips, "then talk to him."


"It's because you're a chicken isn't it?"

Dean looked down to his coffee. His heart was racing and he hadn't even gotten within five feet of castiel, hands sweaty against the white mug.

This wasn't how things were suppose to work, he was suppose to be good at asking people out and flirting, he'd done it millions of times before, but Castiel? The brilliant teen that sat in the back of his math class, he was different. He wasn't just another hookup, another girl that Dean could spend a party dancing with. He was kind, and funny, and sent Dean's nerves running in ways that they had never before.

"I'm not nervous," Dean replied, though the words sounded fake even to himself, "I just don't have anything to say to him."

"Tell him he has pretty eyes."

Dean looked away from his brother and towards Cas, who was stood behind the coffee shop counter, no costumers in line. "I'm going to do it," Dean declared. Slowly he stood eyes still on his bother, unable to look back to Cas in fear that their eyes would meet. Then what would Dean do, probably kill himself. "I'm going to do it."

With out another word he turned and made his way through the quiet coffee shop, heart hammering in his chest, the palms of his hands still clammy with sweat.

"Hello Dean" Castiel greeted as Dean stopped in front of the counter. Dean's gaze darted across the other, across Cas's usual tussled hair, along his warm skin, that only seemed to glow against the dark green he wore, and finally to his eyes. His dark blue eyes, that were so vibrate it was hard to imagine they were real, so captivating Dean couldn't drop the other's gaze.

Dean's breath stuck in his throat, as his eyes stayed on Cas's the though of looking anywhere else not once crossing his mind. "I-" Dean began, unsure how to continue, the hammering of his heart to distracting to keep his thoughts straight.

Something. Anything. He just had to speak.

"You have eyes."


A frown grazed Cas's lips as he tilted his head to the side. It was cute with his eyes squinted and nose scrunched the slightest bit. "I do."

"I think they're pretty."

"oh." A small smile had spread across Cas's lips though it did nothing to calm Dean's racing heart. If anything it only made the beating worse, ringing through Dean's, as his breath stayed hitched in his throat. "Thank you."

Dean gave a forced nod before turning away from the other, one word ringing through his head as he walked back to Sam. Shit.




"How'd it go?" Sam asked as Dean took a seat back at their table. A wide grin was spread across his face, lighting his wide eyes, a look that made Dean want to roll his own. "Should I start wedding planning?"

"It went like shit."

"But he was smiling!"

"Can we just go?"

Without another argument Sam stood, Dean following behind as they walked back to the coffee shops entrance. Dean's stomach turning with unease, a hot flare of blush across his neck. He could feel eyes on him though he refused to look up. Not after how bad he'd fucked up.

"Dean!" He didn't look up, continuing to keep his head down was they walked to the entrance.


"Dean!" After the third call Dean finally looked up his gaze falling on Castiel who walked towards them, a to go cup in his one hand. "You forgot your coffee."

"but I didn't -" Before Dean could finish the cup was being forced into his hands, and Cas, without another word, was speed walking away. "I didn't order coffee."

"He likes you."

A frown grazed Dean's lips as he looked back to his brother, then following Sam's gaze to the coffee cup in his hand.

I think your eyes are pretty as well

The words had been printed across the side of the cup, standing out in a bold black ink, burning against Dean's gaze. It was all he could look at, rereading the words over and over as if the next time he did they would have changed, though no matter how many times Dean did they stayed the same.

Maybe he hadn't completely fucked up.

- - -
This was pretty short, and really bad but oh well! It was kinda cute (and included Dean being a panic bi) and that's what I need right now because supernaturals new trailer, and jensens video kinda emotionally destroyed me (also my body dysmorphia's bad, But that's a WHOLE other subject)
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this I originally started it in January 2019 so I thought it was time to finish it!
Have a great day everyone!
Lots of love, paige

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