you sold me to be a publicly stunt? (niall horan arranged marriage)

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hey my people's! I am writing this book because I usually get board with my other ones and think of new ideas. I am still writing three other stories so bear with me if I don't update often. thanks lovelies!

"Naomi! come down here please!" I heard my mum yell. I groaned. I put my crappy phone down and opened the door to my closet like room. I'm like Harry Potter. I'm unloved in my family.

I walked down the stairs one step at a time, not in a big rush to see my parents. to my luck, I fell down the stairs. thunk thunk thunk.

I always like to think positive.

"whoo. I got down those stairs fast," I said and made my way to the living room. mum was there With dad talking and laughing.

"you called mother? do I need to go to the store again?" I asked, looking at the door with my thumb. I'm kinda like their slave. I have to do anything and everything for them.

"no. please take a seat. we have some news," dad said. he gestured to the good couch. I sat down and looked at my parents, waiting for the conversation to start.

"you see, we have been in dept. we got ahold of an old friend named Simon, and we sold you to be set up for an arranged marriage," mum said. my eyes widened slowly. I got up slowly, walked over to the corner where dad's army knives lay. I picked up one, took it out of the case, and threw it at the window. it was so fast, I barely knew what was happening. the knife hit the window nose first. the window shattered and the knife went to the drive way.

my mother stood up, "NAOMI CHARLOTTE REYES!" she shrieked.

I sat back down and crossed my legs.

"how much?" I asked. she looked at me with rage.

"thirty thousand dollars," mum said. I nodded.

"when is my marriage taking place? and who with?" I asked.

"Saturday. and a nice lad named Niall. you are moving to London," dad said.

"who is it? Niall Horan?" I snorted, with a pissed off attitude. they shrugged. sure I'm a fan but I'm not crazy about getting married.

"why am I getting married at age 18?" I asked.

"because we got payed. now go pack. we are dropping you off at the airport in four hours," dad said.

"are you going to London with me or are you staying in Listowel?" I asked.

"here. but we will be there at the wedding to collect the money. now go pack before I beat your ass for destroying my window!" mother screamed. I went upstairs and was packed in two hours. it was 21.00 when I started packing. my flight leaves at teeny three so I have two hours. I picked up my phone. I attempted to sent a text to Alli, but it said that service had been canceled.

"God Damn it!" I yelled and chucked my phone at the wall.

(hey. um, I'm gonna post outfits on my polyvore. it's lexi-896. it will be like #NR2. so ya. thanks! I have the other outfits from other stories on it too so don't think you missed anything).

I decided to change into comfortable clothes. I put on #NR1. I tried to fix my flip phone, but it was all like shattered. I pulled out my iPod touch and texted Alli. she is my only friend. I told her about the arranged marriage and my moving. she told me to Skype with her when ever I could and to meet new people. I have to move from my home town in Ireland to England. I've always wanted to go to England. maybe this won't be so bad.

okay. so I was writing the last line then little things he came on I heart radio. it was so ironic. bye. comment. I love the feed back.

you sold me to be a publicly stunt? (niall horan arranged marriage)Where stories live. Discover now