Chapter 1

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Empathy is as much a curse on the human condition as a desperate, flea-ridden dog on an unwilling master.

Sang crouched low behind ripe-smelling dumpsters, cold metal pressed against fevered flesh, eyes trained forward. Lank, stringy hair fell around a gaunt face. It'd been twelve days since she'd run from mother's house and she was not looking to break her streak of freedom. Tension thrummed through her limbs in time with her heart, pulsing, waiting, pushing her to act. Not yet. 

Sweeping beams of torch-light flickered over her hiding place and she flinched. Heavy footsteps and low, rumbling voices broke the quiet of the alley. She hoped they left soon. The footsteps got louder as they drew near her, she bit her lips to seal off any sound.

Please just go. Leave me alone and go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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