{William Vangeance x Reader} shy

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Look at his precious face, just look into his beautiful eyes. Look at him. Look.

Narrators POV:

She remembered three hands reaching up to the sky, three possible squads, three possible leaders.

The first was the captain of the Black Bulls, Yami, but as his dark eyes bored into hers, she shifted her gaze to the next captain, intimidated by his intense stare.

The next was Captain Fuegoleon, leader of the Crimson Lions. His gaze was less intense than Captain Yami's, and {Y/N} relaxed.

The third was the most shocking, the Captain of the Golden Dawn, Captain Vangeance, wanted her. She looked into his soft purple ayes and he offered a welcoming smile.

{Y/N}'s heart began beating slightly faster and he looked at her. She looked away and said, "I would like to join the Golden Dawn, i-if that's alright."

She looked at him once more and get heart fluttered when seeing his smile widen.


{Y/N} loved being a Magic Knight. She loved saving people, she loved her teammates, well, some of them. She loved her squad. The only bad thing was...she also loved her captain.

She didn't know when she started, but every time they were in the same room she needed to get out, because she was too nervous to stay.

Whenever she and her teammates had to report to him at the mission, she remained silent and looked anywhere but into his mesmerizing purple eyes.

She was shy enough as it was, but whenever he was around she had to hold her breath.

So, here she was holding her breath as her superior reported to Captain Vangeance about the mission they had completed.

"I am pleased to hear you are all safe. Well done." his angelic voice rang through her ears.

"Thank you, Captain." her superior said and bowed, and she and her teammate bowed behind him.

"Now please, rest. You deserve to relax for a while." her captain said.

They all turned to leave but then Captain Vangeance added, "{Y/N}, before you go, can I speak to you for a second?"

She froze and looked at her teammate, and friend, and she gave her a look that said, 'Good Luck'.

She slowly turned around, kept her head down, and tried not to make a fool of herself.

"{Y/N}, are you afraid of me?" he asked, he stepped closer to her and she stepped back.

"N-No, Captain." she said quietly, but he managed to hear her.

"Do you hate me?" He asked, and she diverted her interest to her shoes.

Nope, the opposite really. She thought.

"Of course not, Captain." she replied, and began to worry. Why was he asking this?

"Have I upset you somehow?" he asked, and {Y/N}'s heart clenched.

It was killing her that he thought such things, and she shook her Head.

"So why is it that you avoid me?" he asked and she looked up at him for just a second before looking away. She hated seeing him frown.

"I-I'm sorry," she apologized, not knowing how to answer him.

She couldn't just say, 'oh yeah, I'm crazy in love with you, Captain' and she couldn't lie either.

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