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It had been a week since Maddy came to New York to get back to the love of her life. And she was so happy to just be with him, without the fear of getting sick. No more fake sickness. No more lies. No more air filters. No more life time house arrest. Just she, Olly and the world.

But...the stars aren't in your favour all the time, are they?

Olly had went to run some errands in the morning, so Maddy decided to explore his small one bedroom apartment. Apparently he wasn't staying with his mother and sister.

Ding dong

Maddy jumped. She wasn't used to the doorbell ringing on a daily basis yet. When she looked through the peep hole to see who it was, her eyes squinted in recognition. There was a middle aged man with somewhat familiar features. Then it hit her.

Olly's dad!

She gasped silently jerking backwards and getting confused with panic. The doorbell rang again. She wasn't sure what to do.

How did he find this place?

She quickly grabbed her phone and went to the bedroom. She dialled the recent number in her logs list.
"Hello, Olly!" She whispered shouted into the phone.
"Maddy? Something's wrong?" He asked, confusion lacing his voice.
"Olly, your dad's here." She whispered.
"Shit! Don't open the door at all, lock yourself in the bedroom too. I'll be right there." Olly said in a panic before cutting the call. During the call Olly's father had already rang the bell at least ten times.

Maddy dared not step out of the bed room, she locked It's door as instructed by Olly.


Maddy shrieked but quickly covered her mouth with her hand before going quite. Olly's father had thrown something really heavy on the front door, it seemed by the sound. He again rang the door bell but this time he continued ringing it again and again for half a minute. Maddy covered her ears with her hands, as she panicked and started imagining every worst possible scenario that could happen right now.

Then she heard shouting of a man from outside the front door. The ringing of the doorbell ended making Maddy lift her head in curiosity. She gingerly motioned towards the bedroom door and opened it.

"Go away from here!" Her eyes widened when she heard a familiar voice.

She ran towards the front door and opened it to find Olly standing in front of his father, anger etched on both of their faces. But when Olly saw her his face showed the slightest of concern, "Maddy go inside!" He ordered.

"Oh so now you are fucking her?" His father asked sarcastically. Maddy could see how his speech slurred just a little bit, indicating he had been drinking recently.
"Don't talk about us like that, you don't know anything about us." Olly's voice was filled with anger.
"You know Olly, I made a mistake to give you liberty to do what you want, I shouldn't have done that. Now I will teach you a lesson." His father said, when he picked up a cricket bat from the near by apartment's door, which some silly kid decided to leave outside at that moment. Olly quickly made his way in front of Maddy as if to protect her. And when Olly's father aimed the bat towards Olly, he quickly pushed Maddy inside his apartment.

Maddy fell with a loud thud, on her back. Everything was a blur, she heard a loud voice and then a scream when she fell but couldn't really see from whom it was. When see was able to focus again, the sight in front of her made her eyes widened with shock, her heart sank to her stomach and she suddenly forgot how to breathe. Olly layed on the floor in front of her, his forehead covered with drops of blood, almost unconscious. As his father hit him again with that damned bat on his stomach making Olly scream a little and then cough with his eyes still closed.

Everything went silent around her as she motioned towards Olly.


She took Olly's face in her hands, "Olly! Olly? Wake up! Oliver?!" But he was now fully unconscious.


"Ma'am? Ma'am? Do you have any injuries?" Maddy faintly heared someone say. When she looked up, it was a police officer. She was so shocked and confused at the same time to take it all in. The police officer sensed it and said "Ma'am don't worry we arrested the man who was trying to hurt your friend. We got a call on time. And we also called an ambulance. They should be here at any minute."

Maddy just nodded and looked down again at Olly, now resting his head and shoulders on her lap. She now knew what it must have felt like to her mother when she got sick as an infant. She now understood the need and want of her mother to protect her from everything in this world.


To be continued.

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