Edward leaves

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Bella's P.O.V
Edward took me to the woods and his family's leaving I said he because it's dangerous I should of listened to Jacob about you he warned me that you might leave me so Edward if you come back we are never ever getting back together like ever Rose , Emmett and Jasper come to give me hug I tell you guys were my best friends in the forks  they leave I lay down and cry I close my eyes hours later I hear a voice he said his name is Sam  and then he takes me home I run to Jake hug him and told him he was right I cry  into his chest 3 weeks later I head to the Rez to see Jake I noticed something different about Jake I look into his eyes I feel love towards Jake and asks me to take a walk with him  then he tells me everything I accept him as my boyfriend I am finally happy again and I'm with Jake I'm happy Edwards gone then I find out I'm quillette and my Dad is Sam Uley and my Mom is Emily Uley I have  a little brother Embry Uley and a big brother Paul Uley  the others see me come back with Jacob holding hands Paul doesn't look happy about the  Imprint he yells at Jacob you imprinted on my sister Jake said yeah you know Cullen left her Jake said . Paul was beyond furious now he ran in the woods and phased  my Mom and Dad were happy about it Embry was happy for me my phone rings I go into the house Rosie is that you she said yes I miss you so much Rose how are Em and Jaz doing Rose well we have a surprise for you so Edward , Esme, Alice and Carlisle went out hunting we're coming back I told them I live on the Rez now I told that I was adopted I will call my dad in here I asked him if you three can move down here Peter and Char are coming to you guys on your way now she we're pulling in I run out after I hung up of course the time they pull up Paul  is here I run and hug Rose then Jasper then Emmett then Peter then Char Jake was confused I thought you guys left  he said Rose said them three fought Edward not to make them leave me  but he won you remember Peter and Char right Jake while there in the Whitlock coven the others don't know they left  they were hunting when they left I tell them today Jake imprinted on me and  I accepted him as my boyfriend and now I'm really happy with my family ,Jake imprinting on me and being my boyfriend and happy that Edward left cause Jake was right and I'm happy you guys came back and brought Peter and Char I told Rose. Rose Jake and I will take you guys to your house can we stay at your for a little bit until Paul calms down about everything Rose said yes let's have a movie night I sit on Jake's lap Rose takes a picture then I sit next to Jake on the couch then I lay my head on Jake's shoulder Rose takes a picture of us then I kiss Jake Rose takes a picture then I cuddle with Jake Rose takes a picture we put in the movie  I lay on Jake's lap Rose takes a picture then I fall asleep for a few Rose takes a picture then I sit up then cuddle up to Jake and lay my head on Jake's shoulder then watch the movie  then fall asleep on his shoulder Rose takes a picture then I hear Rose on the phone with my dad I what their here  on the treaty line she hangs up and I wake up and ask what's going on she tells me that the Cullen's are back we have to get down to the treaty line now we run down there I'm holding Jake's hand I see Edward he sees my hand on Jake's he tells Jake not to touch me I say shut your mouth Edward he is my boyfriend and Imprint and Rose and the others are allies with us meet my Brothers and my Dad this is my Dad Sam Uley this is my little brother Embry Uley and this is my big brother Paul Uley Rose I say show him the pictures of Jake and I he does automatically gets  jealous I said I told you Edward if you ever came back we are never ever getting back together like ever everyone cracks up on are side he looks furious that I reminded him that Alice  looks furious to I was oh you two need to get over it. Everyone laughed on are side again Edward glared I said leave and never back Edward. Everyone looked surprised but Jake he looked proud  the others said they have never seen a girl stick up to her ex like that  Jake kissed me  Paul glared then went to Paul and said to him you better get over this I think your jealous cause you haven't imprinted yet  and your mad that Jacob did before you so knock it off everyone looks surprised  I asked why are you guys so surprised they said no one has ever talked to Paul that way your the first I said you guys he deserves it. Let's head home and eat some dinner I hug Rose , Emmett, Jasper, Peter and Char bye they tell they are enrolling at lapush high I already started school there the other day Jake and I have every class together we sit together at lunch he drives me to school every day I love Jake so much we eat dinner then him and I go to the living room to watch a romantic movie I cuddle up to Jake and we eat popcorn and drink pop I'm loving the movie I hear someone  behind us I look it's Paul I pause the movie I'm like really how have you been standing there he said an hour I slap him really you to quit with this it's really getting on my nerves I start shaking Jake brings me outside and has tank top and shorts with him then Embry comes out with shorts and a tank top  so I phase Jake phases and asks if I can control my phasing I try and I can he phases into human form Jared him a shirt and shorts then Jake throws me a tank top and shorts and I get in those and look at Jake I imprinted on Jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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