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Mamoru sat up with a gasp. He breathed heavily and wiped a few beads of sweat off of his face. He sighed a little, realizing that he just had a bad dream. After a moment, Mamoru laid himself back down and relaxed. He reached one arm out towards the other side of the bed to hold his beloved Usagi. He felt confused when he felt nothing but a cold sheet.

Mamoru sat up once more and noticed that Usagi wasn't in the bed. In fact, she wasn't in the room either. Mamoru got to his feet and looked around the apartment. She wasn't in the kitchen having a midnight snack. She wasn't in the bathroom. She wasn't passed out in the couch surrounded by her manga books, either.

The longer Mamoru went without finding Usagi, the more worried he became. "Usako?" he called out looking through the whole apartment again. "Uasko? Usako, where are you? If this is some kind of joke, this isn't funny."

Mamoru stopped in his tracks when he heard a gentle voice. "Mamo," it called out.

"Uasko," Mamoru said sighing with relief as he headed back for the bedroom. "Please, don't do that agai-" Mamoru stopped in his words as well as his tracks when he saw the horror before him. He could see Usagi, but she wasn't actually in the room. He saw her in the full-length mirror. She had tears in her eyes and was wearing an extremely revealing dress, and she was tied up by unusual binds.

"Usako!" Mamoru exclaimed running up to the mirror and placing his hands against the glass.

"No! No!" Usagi exclaimed as a shadowy figure approached her. Mamoru felt his heart stop when he saw Prince Demande step out of the shadows and walk towards Usagi with a sinister grin on his face.

"Stay away from her!" Mamoru yelled as he started to pound on the glass of the mirror.

"Please, no," Usagi said as Demande placed a hand on her cheek. More tears escaped her eyes as Demande leaned down and forcefully pressed his lips against her own. She let out a mumbled cry and struggled under her restraints.

"Get off of her!" Mamoru yelled pounding harder on the glass.

"Mamo, help!" Usagi cried out after Demande broke the kiss and started to tear the fabric of her dress.

"I'm right here!" Mamoru exclaimed as tears started to form in his eyes as well. "Usako!" He hit the mirror so hard that it broke and shards were sent flying everywhere.

Mamoru sat up with a gasp. He breathed deeply as he looked around the room. He looked over at the mirror in the room to see it was in perfect condition. Had he imagined it all?

"Mamo?" he heard a quiet voice say next to him. He looked over to see Usagi was sitting up and rubbing the tired feeling out of one of her eyes.

"Usako!" Mamoru said quickly embracing her and pulling her into his lap.

"Mamo?" Usagi said slightly confused. "Are you okay?"

"Never better," Mamoru said with a small smile as a couple tears escaped his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so relieved. His Usako was there in his arms, completely unharmed.

Mamoru felt Usagi place a kiss on his cheek before tucking her head under his chin and snuggling into him. He smiled, and his grip on her tightened ever so slightly. He couldn't imagine ever losing her or something so terrible happening to her. She was the only beacon of light, joy, and warmth in his otherwise dark and miserable life. She was his family, and she meant everything to him. He could never let any harm come to her or allow anyone to take her away.

Mamoru laid back down, taking Usagi with him. Usagi giggled slightly as she snuggled into him more and slowly fell back asleep. Mamoru stared at her peaceful face for a moment before placing a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Usako," Mamoru said before closing his eyes and driving off to sleep with his beloved in his arms.

Usagi x Mamoru One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now