Your Lips Like Sugar [Sasuke One-shot]

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Hysterical laughter escaped from your open mouth as you watched the infamous Sasuke Uchiha get engulfed by a pack of fan-girls. The sound of squealing and endless calling of his name could be heard from miles away. You continued to giggle to yourself at the sight in front of you. The crowd was only getting bigger and it wasn't long before the young Uchiha became barely visible in the sea of female students. 

"I don't understand whats so special about that jerk anyway." you heard Naruto mutter. 

You turned your gaze to see him with his back leaned up against the tree with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Why don't you go ask the fan-girls themselves." you said. "I'm sure they'll be more than happy to tell you." 

"Are you insane!" Naruto shrieked. "There is no way in hell am I going near those crazy people!" 

You quirked your brow. "Why? They seem like nice people." 

Naruto furiously shook his head. "When they glare at you," A shiver ran along his spine causing him to shudder. "It's like looking into the pits of hell." He explained. "It is that scary." 

You snorted. "I doubt its anything like that Naruto." 

"Trust me [Name]. Once you see it you'll know what I mean." 

"Have you seen it before?"    

Naruto gravely lowered his head. "In middle school." 

You pursed your lips in wonder. "How did it-" 

But lets not get into detail here about how it happened." Naruto suddenly blurted cutting you off.  "We do not need to go there."   

"N...Naruto-kun." a soft voice suddenly called out. 

You and Naruto looked up to see Hinata. You smiled to yourself, having full knowledge of what was going to happen. 

 "I'm gonna go back to the classroom." You lifted yourself up from the grass and dusted yourself off. "You two have fun." You sent a wink at Hinata causing her to go bright red. 

"What wait [Name]! The bell hasn't gone yet!" Naruto shouted. 

You ignored the yelling coming from behind you and began to walk back to the school building. You slowly trudged up the flights of stairs until you made it to your designated floor. You continued to walk down the hallway towards the classroom until you halted at the yell of your name. 


You turned around to see two freshman girls running towards you. You tilted your head in bewilderment at how they knew your name when you never seen them around the school before and the fact that they knew where you were. 

"Uh, hi." you greeted. "Is there anything I can help you with?" 

The two freshman girls looked at each other before looking back at you. "Word has been going around the school saying that you and Sasuke-sama," the girl stopped to look at her friend to continue. You mentally face-palmed yourself. From the way they addressed Sasuke you could tell that they were another one of his fangirls. 

"Sasuke and I are?" you asked, signalling for them to continue. 

"That you and Sasuke are dating." the other finished. 

Your jaw fell slack in shock. "Wait, what!?" 

The girls nodded. "You two are always together. So it has to be true right?" 

You quickly shook your head. "No no no no no. You got it all wrong. Sasuke and I are most defiantly not dating. We're just friends." you explained. 

"So you two aren't boyfriend and girlfriend?" they asked in sync. 

"Absolutely not." 

A beaming smile appeared on the two girls faces. Their eyes began to twinkle. "Then are you able to give these to him?" they extended their arms displaying a box of chocolates in their hands. 

"Uh sure." you replied, taking the chocolates from their hands. 

"Thanks [Name]-senpai." their lowered their body to a bow before running off the opposite direction. 

You let out a sigh of relief, thankful that it was finally all over. However what the two girls said about you and Sasuke dating bothered you a little. Out of all girls in the whole entire school, why does it have to be you?

"Sasuke and I dating? That's ridiculous." you muttered. "Him and I have two complete different worlds." 

Suddenly, a loud clatter came from behind you cutting your trance of thought. You quickly whipped around to see Sasuke surrounded by boxes and boxes of chocolates, roses and letters scattered everywhere on the floor beneath his feet. You started to laugh once more.

Sasuke's face pulled into a sour scowl. "Quit laughing [Name]." he snapped. 

You wiped the tears that had resided on the corner of your eyes. "I'm sorry. Let me help you with those." you walked over to him and proceeded to help pick up the fallen gifts.

The classroom was empty when you arrived. You propped yourself up onto your desk while Sasuke sat on the seat beside you. 

"Some fan-girls came up to me and asked me to give these you." you said handing over the two boxes of chocolates.

"You keep them." Sasuke simply replied. "It's not like I'm going to be eating them anyway." 

You shrugged your shoulders and proceeded to open the first box. The sweet aroma coming from the chocolates instantly wafted into your nose. Without hesitance you popped a chocolate into your mouth.

"Do I get valentine gift this year?" Sasuke asked. 

You fished into your pocket and handed a piece of paper over to him. "Happy Valentines day!" you cheered. 

Sasuke glanced down at the small piece of paper you gave him. "Are these one of those stupid coupons you do every year?" 

"You should be lucky that I actually gave you something." you said throwing another piece of chocolate into your mouth. "Were you expecting something else?" 

 Sasuke smirked. "Something more along the lines of this." without further thought he whipped his body around to face you. He then planted his hands on either side of the desk, trapping you with his arms. 

A squeak of surprise escaped your lips. "S..Sasuke." you stuttered. "You're a bit too close." you said tilting you head to avoid his gaze. 

However Sasuke grasped onto your chin with his thumb and forefinger, turning your head to face him again. "Don't look away from me [Name]." 

The distance you had between him was merely a pinky apart. You could feel his breath against your face. 

"W..What do you want from me?" you whispered. 

Sasuke leaned closer. "I'm only asking for a small favour [Name]." 

Before you were able to stop him, Sasuke roughly moulded his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in complete shock. It felt as though your whole body was paralyzed. You were stuck not knowing what to do. Do you kiss him back? Or do you just stay still like a statue. You had no idea how to feel about such an action. You had never kissed someone before and the fact that your first kiss was with the one and only Sasuke Uchiha completely blew your mind. 

You quickly pulled back to catch your breath, but the Sasuke recaptured your lips once more in another deep kiss. He noticed the tension coursing through your body. He slowly moved the hand grasping your chin to the side of your face. Like magic, the gentle gesture caused you to relax and close your eyes. Hesitantly you slowly kissed him back. You lifted your hands and took hold of Sasuke's tie, pulling him closer towards you.

Sasuke could taste the sweetness from the chocolate on your lips. Despite his distaste to anything sweet, the chocolatey taste that lingered on your soft lips didn't bother him. It only made him want to taste you more. However the burning urge of needing to breath kicked in. Sasuke parted from your lips with the same smirked spread across on his face. 

"Now that's the type of chocolate I like." he breathed out. 

Your face was red and flustered in total embarrassment. You lowered your head to hide the redness of your face. "Idiot." you muttered. "You could've asked me first." 

Sasuke let out a small laugh. "But you accepted it regardless." he grasped onto your chin once more. "How was that for a valentines gift?" 

You yanked down on his tie pulling him towards you and clashed your lips to his again. "Coming from someone as bitter as you," you said as you pulled away. "It's sweeter than anything I've ever tasted." 

Sasuke chuckled. "You'll get use to it." 

A smile crept its way up to your lips. Maybe Valentines day wasn't so ordinary after all.

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