Chapter 1

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I look at my tasks for the day on my tablet. After a classic valentines day case of objects stuck up a man's rectum, I'm heading down the hallway to deal with my flu patients. I'm disappointed that wWill's flower gift turned out to just be an annual tradition to all the female staff at the Blue Swan, but I'm determined to not let it get me down.

He and Mike have been arguing all day non-stop and I'm kind of grateful he didn't hear my offer for coffee earlier, I would have just looked like more of a fool. Luckily, today I get off early so I can do to the dojo tonight. I went surfing again this morning and I still smell of sea salt and sand despite showering afterward this morning.

Once I've dealt with my flu patients I can go home and try to put this damn day behind me...

I see Sofia up ahead chatting with Bubble. She's just started her shift I smile at them and head into the pharmacy for Ibuprofen...

Once in the locker room at 2 pm, I start getting changed in a hurry before I can be bothered by anyone. I grab my bag and notice the rose from earlier still in my locker. I pick it up, twirl it in my fingers, the wonderful scent filling me with sadness instead of the joy from before. I feel annoyed with myself for my own naivety, so I scrunch up the flower in frustration and throw it in the trash, slamming my locker shut and putting my headphones in. The door to the changing room opens as I approach and I storm past whoever it is, determined to leave unbothered.

I rush out the doors of the ER and head to the subway station. I get a text notification on my phone reminding me of the mall that opened near my apartment. I decide to cheer myself up with some retail therapy. After the incident with Mr. Roberts coming back to us with PTSD, the disappointment with Will, not getting to spend a girls night in with Sofia tonight and the awkwardness with Mike after I rejected him, I definitely deserve a pick me up! Heck, after my session at the dojo, I'll go to a bar! Why not?

I get off a few stops early and head to the mall. My wardrobe needs a serious update. Plus if I intend to go out tonight, I'll need an outfit! I stroll around a few stores with opening day sales and head home to get my gym clothes for class and pack my outfit for tonight. I get there and once again; no Jarod. Good. The last thing I want to see is anyone from the Blue Swan right now. I get to work on the training dummy after my stretches with my heavy metal mix blasting in my ears for about half an hour before I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I jump and turn around, removing my earphones. Jarod's smiling face greets me and I look away with embarrassment. Great! My day just goes from bad to worse! I force a smile and greet him.

"It's been a while since we bumped into each other here," he smiles, "only this time you're the one furiously punching the dummy and not me!"

I let out a forced chuckle and shift uncomfortably before saying, "Yeah...I guess it has..."

Jarod looks at me with concern, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah...just...weird day, you know?" I answer, vaguely.

He scrutinizes me for a bit before saying, "Got any plans this evening? Other than punching poor bobby here, of course."

I think back to what he said to me in the locker room earlier, about his life being complicated right now, his complicity with his patients and Sofia and Bubble's warnings about girls going home with him for the one night. I don't want to be a part of his trophy cabinet so I reply, "Yeah, I do."

He waits for me to elaborate but I put my earphones back in and go back to punching the dummy. I can feel him behind me still, but eventually, he walks away. I keep feeling eyes on me and sure enough, whenever I look out of the corner of my eye, there he was, looking at me. I did my best to ignore him as I moved on to spar with some other members and stretching to finish. I leave to the locker room to shower and change. I fix my hair and natural makeup before looking at myself in the mirror: I looked great. Felt so too.

I grab my bag and head out, intending on dropping it off at my apartment on my way to the bar when I bump into a sweaty, panting Jarod

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I grab my bag and head out, intending on dropping it off at my apartment on my way to the bar when I bump into a sweaty, panting Jarod. I avert my eyes awkwardly and scurry past him while he stares at me. He looks about to say something but I hurry away before he gets a chance. After dropping off my bag at my apartment, I head towards the local dive bar.

Alice, the bartender, and owner smiles at me as I enter the bar and fixes me my usual; gin and tonic, and I sit there, nursing my drink before joining in a game of darts with some regulars I recognized. A live band plays in the background and I'm having a good time until Mike walks in, slightly tipsy with a drunk dark-haired beauty clinging to his harm, laughing and having a good time. The regulars and Alice pick up on my mood and realize this is the guy I was telling them and Sofia about a few nights ago. They all exchange looks and nods and smiles of complicity before one of them yells; "Andy! Next round is on me, love!"

I feel an arm sling around me in friendly complicity from one of the older gents, "Alice, fix our favorite Doctor her usual would ya?"

The gang starts telling jokes and laughing as we huddle around the bar. After a few minutes, I forget about Mike being there with his date until the guy from earlier's wife sidles up to me and whispers, "That boy hasn't stopped looking at you for the past hour."

She winks and drags me to the dance floor while the band continues playing. I start to dance along with my group. Once the band goes backstage we all grab a large booth and they soon join us once they're done. The bass player sidles up to me with two beers and the woman from earlier gives me a knowing wink. Conversation is going well and I'm about to leave with the guy when loud shouting from the other side of the bar catches our attention.

"WELL FUCK YOU, MIKE!" the dark-haired girl screams, throwing her drink at him and storming out the bar.

Mike grunts and cleans himself up with a napkin as I walk out the bar with the bass player-Chris- and give him a smirk at his stupidity.

Post-mediocre sex with Chris at my apartment, we exchange numbers and he leaves. I shower, change into an over-sized shirt and panties before crawling into bed. My phone buzzes with a text notification and an email.

The text was Chris saying he had fun and we should do it again sometime. I smile and type back an agreement. The email was from Mike. It read; 'So, bad boy rockstars are your type, eh? Have fun.'

I scowl and write back; 'It's my life, my business. My "type" is none of your concern.'

I put my phone down and ready to charge when it buzzes again. I scowl thinking it's Mike again, but no, it's my secret admirer!

I open the message; 'I was thinking about you again today...were you thinking about me...?'

I type back, 'Who are you, mysterious messenger?'

It doesn't take long for the reply to come, 'I'm going to hurt you, so badly...'

I freeze and go cold all over when another message soon follows, 'I know where you are Andrea. You can't hide from me for long...'

Oh, god no! Not him!

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