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The music started, a phones' alarm clock went off. It filled the room with pleasant melody. There was some shifting of the snowy-white sheets before a hand moved to the night stand to stop the alarm.

A pair of hazels blinked open, delicate lips stretched in a yawn before he took the phone in his hands and checked his inbox messages.


Hey dude! Mrs.Shelly is giving us exam examples today, u coming ?

From: Isak

I'll be there for sure.

From: Jonas

Great, see ya there:Dd

Isak moved around in the bed, shifting under the weight of his lover, who snuggled into him, refusing to let go of the warmth the others body was providing him with. Slender frame tried one last time but Evan just pulled him closer, his hold around boy's waist got possessive like no one had the right to take what was his away from him until he himself allowed it. Isak slightly chuckled.

"Baby, i need to get up". He whispered, caressing his lovers' hair lightly, eyes examining the futures on his closely, admiring them. The elder looked so handsome, yet so innocent and child like.

It made slender boy wonder how was he able to change drastically and so fast. He could be a gentle, funny, idiotic psychopath in one moment but turn into a possessive lover seconds after. Yet Isak loved all of those mood changes in his lover. He couldn't wish for more.

A pout formed on plump lips before blue ocean-like eyes flutter open, however closing only seconds after a low hum of disapproval escaping the pouty lips, hand moving up and down the bare sides in some kind of attempt to make the younger give up to his intention of leaving the bed and just to make stay him there for a little longer .

"I have lecture in two hours and need to get ready babe".Boy reasoned himself. He hated having to wake up so early, furthermore when he had gone to bed only 3 hours before due to some unpredicted night activities.

"Just a few minutes, sweetheart~" Evan mumbled and buried his nose into younger's crock of neck.

Hazel boy couldn't say no to that. His lover was being just so cute that made the boy unable to refuse. He stayed like this for a bit more, hands going through His blondie lover's hair, gentle movements made beautiful boy to relax completely under his lovers touch, it was so calming, he would never ever let it go..unless it was necessary.

"Babyy" Isak whispered after time passed.

This time elder untangled his arms from around him, let him go. He'd just continue sleeping, slender framed boy guessed as soon as he got up. The other was already hugging his pillow, in the need of something in his arms to keep him relaxed in his sleep.

The younger got himself up and quickly grabbed a pair of new boxers and the shirt that had been discarded on the floor few hours ago. Evan's shirt to be accurate. Boy can't help not putting the soft piece of fabric on. He loved the feeling softness against his skin, loved Evan's scent on it and definitely loved how it was long enough to even reach
His thighs.

Smiling to himself, he buttoned a few buttons, yet shirt was loose enough to reveal parts of his smooth chest, he walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen, ready to prepare some coffee for himself.

While filling the mug with bitter hot drink, Isak inhaled deeply, his sense was instantly pleased with the aroma.
Hazel boy smiled to himself and took the mug from the counter, walked to the living room and stand  in front of the big panorama window that was the outer wall of flat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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