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In the year 2019, the age of Tik Tok and wars on YouTube, a certain creator of the universe decided to go on a road trip. Jesus casually tagged along as well.

Basically, they wanted to see how humanity was doing and how civilization was developing.

Oh boy were they in for a treat.



A shout sounded out through the hotel room that God and Jesus were staying in. Soon enough, a head popped out from behind the wall.

"You called?" Jesus answered. God yelled again in frustration, this time, the shout was directed at Jesus.

"Fracking mortals and their tables! Agh! Do they remember that toes exist?! Why would they make the edges so freaking sharp??"

Jesus realized that the almighty had just stubbed his toe. That probably shouldn't have affected him too much, but oh well, as the mortals say, Hakuna Matata. Jesus left the room and came back with a band-aid and a sentence formulating in his head.

"Maybe you should follow the advice of the mortals, Hakuna Matata. After all, it does mean no worries for the rest of your days, but you're immortal, so technically the song doesn't make too much sense.. Ah whatever forget I said anything." Jesus said, as he left a band-aid for the fuming God in the room, who was clutching his toe in pure agony.

Jesus decided to head out into the mortal world to find God another table, just in case the incident occurred again. But first, he must choose a disguise. Eh, whatever, nobody's gonna believe him anyway. Jesus shrugged the thought off and left the hotel room.


After wandering the streets of New York for half an hour, and attracting a few odd looks here and there, Jesus stumbled upon exactly what he was looking for: a furniture store. He entered the store and was hit with the smell of air fresheners and linen.

After looking around and flopping onto all of the beds they had a the store, he walked to an employee and asked if he could find a round table anywhere, explaining that a very important friend of his had stubbed his toe and he didn't want it to happen again.

The employee stared at him in pure shock, his eyes judgmental and brows furrowed in confusion.

This went on for three and a half minutes before Jesus interrupted the silence.

"Um, I'm not here for a staring contest, I asked for a table? Wait, am I speaking the right language? Bleh whatever, I'm way too confused to be doing this now.

Jesus left the store empty-handed, muttering something about humans and staring contests, while a confused and shocked employee, whose name turned out to be Albert, sat down on a couch and started to rethink why he even worked there anymore.

A.N:      hi hi hi

                guess who's back, back again, vicky's back, tell a friend

(if u got da reference i love you bye)               

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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