Yeet My Meet Skeet

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As i walk to the bus stop I see a little old lady sprinting past on cruches. I slide her a panini and say "safe g" she looks at me and says "wanna touch meats" confused i decline. She then proceeds to whip out a 9' Knife and stab me in my thigh "ahhhhhh" I scream out in agony. "Why would you do that you stupid bitch," she laughs and says "gimme ur meat" I run as fast as I can as she screams " can i come in ur arse" I try to jump on the bus and yeet a 2yr old off the seat next to me. He cries and complains to his mum. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She screams i reply with "IMMA YEET UR MEAT" I immediately whip my sausage out and scream "THINK YOU CAN COMPETE WITH THAT" She drops her pantaloons and I immediately stagger backwards "Such amazing power" i cry. The bus driver opens his door and suddenly I see him in his true form.....
I launch at him and scream a great battle cry. He replies with "ZUCCCCCCC" I reveal my meat scpter and open my compartment, "not today henry" he screams as i consume him making me more powerful.
I then turn around and knock out the mother and child with a nann bread.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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