ALL IN 1 | Crossed Paths

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instead of flipping through the chapters, i put all of them in the same page!


Cesia awoke at 12 pm, although she had fallen asleep at 9. She had her mind racing with thoughts of Jacob.

How would she express her true colors to him? How would he react to this?
Would he enjoy her company even more?
Would he despise her?

Censia spent her time writing and re-writing a simple text?

To Jacob: Only if you have time, meet me at Red Robin's at 7.

Cesia had done this to herself, she wanted to tell him badly. Even if he denied her, she still wanted to tell him how she felt about him.

Cesia began reading over her old text message drafts from Whenever.


Cesia had stumbled upon one message that she had read over multiple times, "To Jacob: Hey, I want to tell you something. It's really important."

She simply read it one last time before deleting the message. After, she had texted her group chat, asking if they'd like to meet up at the mall. Some had said they had other things to do, and a small percentage didn't respond.

When Cesia did meet up with her friends all they did was walk around the stores window shopping and talking about anything & everything. Cesia could faintly hear Yatzari calling out her name. When she had turned around Yatzari was standing in front of the Disney Store, watching with very careful eyes one of the porcelain creatures movement from left to right.


"Guys, help me get Yatzari away from the Disney store." Cesia caller out to the rest of the group. As Yatzari pleaded to go back to the Disney store the group forced her away.

When they all had decided to go their separated ways Cesia had continued to roam around the mall. As she walked into the H&W store, lights everywhere beamed into her eyes. She blinked the brightness away and proceeded. Cesia looked around the place for sweaters that weren't crop tops. She had also tried on flower crowns and pastel hats in another aisel. Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her pocket, making Cesia drop the rose-gold cat ears. She quickly put the ears back on the shelf and ??? through her notifications, only to see the group chat and new YouTube Videos.


She put her phone away and decided to finally return home.

Cesia has continuously reminded herself that she had made plans to tell Jacob about her feelings, tonight. She still had some time on her hands to get into Instagram tea and catch up on her favorite Youtubers.

Cesia has gotten a notification from Jacob,

Jacob: Is it ok if I'm there a little early?

Cesia: Yeah, it's ok.

Jacob: Thanks!

After the thanks there was an emoji with a beautiful smile.

When Cesia had gotten to Red Robins she had asked for some steak fries and a Sprite. Jacob asked for a Sprite as well.


No one spoke for a while, the silence filling in as Cesia twiddled with her thumbs. The waiter had came back with both of steak fries. Cesia finally broke the silence,

"So, how are you?"

"Doin' good, how about you?"


Cesia his her ponytail into her hoodie. When they both had an attempt to reach for a steak fry their hands touched each others. They both had retreated, but alas, Cesia had gotten the streak fry. They were both awkwardly laughing and stuffing their faces with large steak fries. "So... Erm..." Cesia began to speak, but Jacob didn't seem to hear it.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Jacob asked suddenly. Cesia had to speak her mind now, she just had to tell him how she feels. "Because... Uhh..." Cesia blushed intensely. "I wanted to... to tell you... ugh something important." Cesia stumbled to find the right words to say. "We have been friends for a long while and..."


Cesia took a drink of her Sprite. "I wanted to... know if we could... y'know... be together. As a couple." Cesia had felt as if she had said everything wrong. "Oh my... Yes!" Jacob sat next to Cesia in the booth, his arm around her confidently. Cesia had let him, but had also felt the steep gaze of an elderly couple. She held his hand, ignoring their stare.

When they had left they said their goodbyes and parted ways. Cesia had loved the warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to hold his hand again, but she's have to wait.

She truly loved every time they had crossed paths.

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