01 |Daddy|

386 9 2

Camila/You G!P

*Y/N P.O.V*

Okay. Y/N chill, it's just dinner with her parents, for the first time. It's fine. Calm the fuck dow-

"Baby? You okay?" Camila snapped me out of my thoughts clicking her fingers infront of my face.

"Uh, yeah princess. Let's go!" I told her grabbing her hand taking her out to my car.

"Y/N stop baby." She stopped us walking "look at me!" She moved my chin so that I could look into her big brown eyes, "Baby. My mom and dad are gonna love you okay? You know why? Because I love you and they love me." She told me as she put her arms around my neck.

"I love you too." I said quietly, her fingers playing with the baby hairs on my neck instantly calming me down.

"Okay now let's go." She took my hand and we got into the car.


As soon as we pulled up Sofia came running out and leaped into her sisters arms. Not gonna lie that shit was cute as fuck.

"Who's that Kaki?" The youngest Cabello whispered into Camila's neck.

"This is Y/N. She's my girlfriend." My girlfriend whispered back and Sofia's head immediately perked up and she hopped out of Camila's arms.

"Hey Y/N. You better not hurt her or I will get Dinah to get you in your sleep!" Sofia told me poking my chest looking deep into my soul.

"SOFI!!" Camila shouted pulling her away from me. Goddamn of that's her sister, her dad is surely gonna beat the fuck outta me.

"I'm so sorry baby. I promise you my dad will be fine." Shit I said that out loud.

"Okay baby. Can we just get this over with." I asked her holding her hand as Sofi ran back into the house.

"Yeah, I promise that you'll be okay." She kissed my cheek.

Soon I was at a table surrounded by Camila's Mom, Dad and weirdly intimidating little sister. Her dad has not spoken to me yet, just sent me scary glares.

"So Y/n what do you do?" Sinu asked me.

"I'm currently studying Psychology at UCLA and I'm planning on becoming a councillor, maybe for a high school." I told her eating her great food.

"That's pretty cool." She replied cutting Sofia's food.

"Daddy can you pass me the salt?" Camila asked me.

"Sure baby." I replied.

"Yeah, here." Alejandro alsi replied.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I have no idea how to recover from this. Oh no. It's silent no one has said anything. I'm gonna die. I'm never gonn-

"Papi! Give it to her." Sofi interrupted my thoughts.

"S-sorry." He stuttered glaring at me as he passed Camila the salt.

"...thank you," Camila said her eyes flicking between me and her father.

"Y/n I need to speak to you." Alejandro said standing up.

"Ale, sit down." Sinu told him looking at me apologetically.

"Dad please." Camila pleaded her dad.

"After diner we will talk." He warned pointing at me.

"Yes sir." I replied almost crying, this man is scary as fuck.

Camila looked at me and gave a quick apologetic smile before glaring at her father.

"So where did you two meet?" Sinu asked trying to break the awkward tension in the room.

"Well Y/N was a dancer for me last year on tour." Camila told her mother while goofily smiling at me.

"Yeah, dancing around with Camila on stage is pretty fun." I informed older Latina.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Alejandro asked glaring at me.

"Oh-uh I just m-meant that she... she's a real-really good d-"

"Papi please stop you know she didn't mean anything bad." Camila cut off my ramblings by shouting at her father.

He just shook his head and continued eating.

That's how the rest of dinner went. Sinu asked a question, one of us answered then Alejandro had something to say about it.

We've now migrated into the living room and are now watching Tangled because the Cabello sisters love Disney.

"Y/N?" I heard Alejandro say from the seat across from me. "Kitchen now."

I quickly nodded and lifted Camila off my knee to stand up.

"So Y/N she calls you Daddy?" He asked me as soon as I walked in.

"Uh...well...no?....uhm...yes?" I told him not really sure what to say.

His eyes widened and he stared at me for a couple more seconds before his whole face relaxed and he embraced me in a hug.

"Well done." He said as he released me from his hold.

"Uh what?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's something to be proud of. Don't get me wrong I would like to beat your ass right now but I'm pretty sure Sofi can do that if needed." He told me putting a hand on my shoulder with a slight squeeze.

"Okay. Not what I was expecting." I said glancing at him to see if I could find any evidence to tell me he was lying, upon finding none I smiled.

"Now go back to your girl." He ruffled my hair.

What. The. Fuck.


"So my dad approved of you?" Camila asked as we walked into our bedroom.

"I guess so....he even ruffled my hair." I informed my beautiful girlfriend.

"Well that was unexpected." She said taking her top off.

"Hey boobs." I giggled admiring my sexy woman. "Come here."

She walked slowly towards me sliding her shorts down her tanned legs revealing her black lace thong.

"You might wanna close your mouth, might start drooling." She teased taking a seat on my knee.

"Not my fault you're the sexiest woman I've ever laid fucking eyes on." I told her.

She smiled leaning into me before placing a kiss on my cheek then down to my chin before slipping down my neck and licking her way down my chest.

"Baby..." I whispered.

"Mmhmm?" She replied.

"Lie down." I demanded.

"Yes daddy."



That was not good.

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