My experience

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I have been really sad lately because I met Jacob, Dylan, Grant, etc. last week (8/22/14) and I still miss them all so much. So I'm going to write down my story so I can always look back on it instead of trying to remember everything in my head. I'm going to start from that morning so here it goes.

I woke up shaking to my alarm clock. I literally could not stop. Most of the time I press the snooze button and immediately go back to sleep but I couldn't that morning. It was impossible.

So I got up and changed and everything for school. I went downstairs to have breakfast and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to eat, but I picked out a poptart and tried anyway because my mom was with me and I didn't want her to think I was sick or something. But I ended up only eating like 2 bites and nothing else. The feels were messing with my stomach.

Skipping ahead to when we were almost to school: I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car and it was so hot outside and I was burning up. My stomach still didn't feel good either so I was not okay. When we pulled up to school I got out and started walking to the front door and I literally felt like I was going to throw up. It was horrible. But then I made it to my locker and I started to feel a little better.

Fast forward even more to 30 minutes before the last bell rang. I knew it was going to be the longest 30 minutes ever and it was. But then the bell finally rang and I quickly went to the bathroom, my locker, and straight out of school. I was meeting my friend from another school and when I saw her I freaked. Like this is actually happening. We are going to meet them.

We walked to Subway close by and met her mom there. In there we changed and got some food. We didn't have time to go home and do all that stuff because we wanted to get to the venue early. The silver tickets started at 4:30.

Anyways, while we were in the car we were freaking out even more because we didn't know what was going to happen. We had to make sure we had everything like Jacob's gift and our golden ticket posters and we are both very OCD so it had to be perfect.

We drove by the venue and Mackenzie (my friend) started jumping and pointing like holy crap we're here. There was already a bunch of girls in line at the door. Her mom pulled up and let us out and then tried to find a place to park. We stood in line and it was so hot outside. I was already sweating and I was like crap I'm going to be all sticky inside this is not good. But it turned out okay.

We were in a group chat with a bunch of girls that were going but we really ended up only hanging out with one. We met her and we talked until it was after 4:30 and we were getting impatient. Everyone in the front started singing totally out of sync, it was hilarious. But then someone came out and started letting people in. I kept hitting Kenzie's arm and saying "They're letting people in! We're moving!" and stuff like that.

When we got to the front there was a security guard and the person to check for tickets and stuff and then we saw Aunt Lisa which was so cool. We got our bags and a picture with her and then got in line for the meet and greet. We could literally see Jacob right there and we started flipping out and trying to get everything situated. The line was moving quickly and I just fangirled.

Once we were a little closer to the front Jacob all of the sudden started walking to the bathroom and holy crap he was right there. When he came out I got a video of him and he was so cute.

We started getting really close and I tried to keep calm. Kenzie told her mom to take a video of us so she did. It was finally time for our group chat friend to go up and I was just... I don't even remember I was in so much shock. Kenzie was in front of me so she gave the dude her phone and she was ready. She went up and hugged him and showed him a picture of his face on the White House and explained. (Long story short, her mom called him Jacob Whitehouse at first and it stuck) he laughed and it was so adorable. They got their picture and I knew then it was my turn.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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