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Being Miguel Galindo younger sister wasn't always a good thing. Usually meant that every single guy in the entire town avoids you completely. It always bugged you that people would either ignore you or befriend you because they're scared of your family. Miguel is very protective over you, especially after your bad car accident. He made you move in with Him and Emily. You didn't mind since you would be able to spend more time with your nephew, Cristobal.

You placed your pen down, and shut your journal. You have always kept a journal since you were a young girl. It always meant that someone was there for you.

"Y/N?" You heard Miguel voice echo from outside the door.

"Come in" you respond to your brother. You start brushing your long hair when Miguel enters. He was wearing a nice suit but he looked stressed out.

"Good morning y/n." Miguel says to you while kissing your cheek.

"Morning Miguel. Does Emily need help with the baby?" You question him.

"No, she can handle him. I wanted to ask what you were doing today. Still going back to work?" Miguel raises an eyebrow. He's been wanting you to quit working, he didn't like you in the public so much.

"Yes Miguel. And you don't need any of your men watching me alright? I promised my boss so" you sighed out, pulling out your work clothes from your dresser.

"Well I can't promise that y/n. Ever since your accident I vowed to protect you." Miguel stubbornly added, you rolled your eyes.

"Ridiculous" you whispered under your breath, hoping Miguel didn't hear it.

"Ridiculous? You almost got killed and I'm Ridiculous for helping?" Miguel was pissed now, he started pacing around your room. You slipped your shoes on and started heading for the door.

"Y/N Galindo where are you going?!" Miguel snapped grabbing your arm. He never knew how to get through to you, you were just like him. And that was the problem.

"Out Miguel! Don't fucking follow me." You yelled back at your brother. You got inside your car and made your way towards town.

You drove to your favorite spot in town. The book store. It was your go to place, where you could get lost in there for hours. You knew Miguel would send a few of his guys but at this point you didn't care. You lit a cigarette and went to start walking but bumped into someone.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry" You apologize to the stranger, he was very handsome. He had dark hair, facial hair and a sweet smile.

"No, It's my fault for not paying attention." The strange guy apologize to you. You didn't know why but tears started falling from your eyes. You quickly wipe them away and silently pray he didn't see them.

"Oh, are you okay miss?" He asks you, for once you heard someone with care in his voice.

"Yeah , I don't know why i am crying" You say with an awkward laugh. By judging from this guys look, he doesn't believe you.

"I got a little time to kill, you like coffee?" He asks you, his lip curling up into a cute smile.

"Yeah, I do. I'm y/n by the way" you agree with him. You extend your hand and he shakes yours, he has a very strong grip. You felt your face start turning a new shade of pink.

"Ezekiel, Ez for short." He responds, he starts leading you into the cafe next to the book store.

After you both order coffees, Ez paid for yours and you guys found a private area to sit and talk.

"So Ezekiel, tell me about yourself." You ponder, sipping on your coffee. You watch Ez shift, he seemed a little uncomfortable by your question.

"I'm just living everyday as it comes. I'm really not interesting" Ez began telling you, you couldn't help but wonder what has happened in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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